Chapter Nine

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After a few days, I was completely unpacked.

At the moment, I was sitting on my desk chair playing modded minecraft on my computer.

Pietro was laying on my bed reading one of my many books.

Over the few days I've been here we'd become close friends.

No one else really noticed I was there, but that was the idea.

Cas was lying on the bed.

Pietro was beside him, nose buried in a book. He was quietly mouthing the words to himself. It took him a little longer to read, but that wasn't surprising seeing as how English wasn't his first language.

I tended to talk to myself when I played games.

Pietro had gotten used to not interrupting and my talking to no one, which had confused him at first.

I was perfecting my wall to be spider proof and five blocks thick. When I finished, I decided that was enough for the time being.

Pietro looked up from his book, "I can talk now?"

I looked at him, "You could've spoken anyway, but you were reading and reading requires silence,".

He stared at me for a second before shaking his head.

"But since I finished we're gonna watch Supernatural from the beginning since someone has never watched it."

Cas looked up at the mention of Supernatural. He paused the tablet and sat at the foot of the bed, meowing at me to put it on.

I shook my head, walking to my movie shelf. I grabbed season one of Supernatural and putting in disc one.

Cas pawed the remote over to me. As the title screen popped up, I pressed play and turned off the lights, closing the door.

Pietro closed his book and placed it on the floor by the bed.

I grabbed a blanket and we crawled under it, laying on our stomachs as we started to watch, in my opinion, one of the best shows ever created.

Pietro scooted closer to me as we both watched intently.

Riles Stark (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now