dear m & m

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that nigga was everything to me
I breathed him
I lived him
I embraced every moment I ever had with him
like it was my last
and yes it hurts
and yes knowledge is pain
but the veil always fell off of my eyes
and the truth always revealed itself to me
these 6:00 am mornings are too familiar to me
ur actions are so similar to me because I've been there
I was in the depths of there
at this point if all his sketchy moments
irritates you or bothers you like it wouldnt typically do for any other guy well then you already in the pits of hell
and I hate to add such bitterness and brutality to a " talking stage" but thats all it takes is for him to say something to you that guys dont typically say
for you to be in his presence and "enjoy the ambiance" to sell your soul to the devil
I have slept naked with that devil
I have smoked with him
and talked about what I thought life would be like for me
and here you are in my same predicament moving too fast because you feel like shit dont happen like this
niggas don't do shit like this
well Im here to tell you forget everything that you thought you knew before now because none of it will apply to this
he will do everything right
he will do damn near everything right
he will do things unimaginable
and then you know what he's going to do right after....fuck you over
and he will because thats what he does and if he doesnt well honey he might really like you
I knew before I even met him
that he had a history with girls
and my curiosity made me plunge into murky waters
to this day Im still trying to wash off the mud
I really do hope things work out between you guys because the pain of being without him will be inescapable //E.B.

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