give me something

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u never gave me a chance to do anything.

to process
to think
to be happy
to be ignorant,
u just left me.

it was like i was holding ur hand and one day u just let me go.
im searching... i really am
for an answer,
a sign,
something that will give me closure.

i just want to have a better reason to move on.
u would think a fully functional
easily accessible female would suffice
but i need to hear u tell me from ur lips
typed by ur fingers
heard in ur voice
that u dont want me.

u dont want to have anything to do with me just say it
instead of beating around the bush
with "i apologize" and "i miss you", "what tip"
i need words im a poet i live off of these things
i need alphabets arranged in words that produce meaning.
i need these feelings inside of me to stop screaming for u,
to stop saying ur name whenever it fits into context
and im sorry if my complexity and intellect is intimidating but i cant help it.

i cant help that my actions subliminally gather in a choir stand and sing
and sing until the god damn audience dont want to hear it no more.

speak to me, because u never gave me anything
u could at least give me this.
// e.b.

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