teaching jala

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im trying to teach jala how to make her own decisions without taking into consideration others opinion

she cares too much about what people think
everytime she does something
whether its pick an outfit, eat, study...she's asking me
and personally i am tired of making decisions for her

because thats what it feels like.....

whatever i say she goes with it
and she cant live like that
because i cant deal with that

so as her friend i want her to understand that what other people think does not matter
because its ur life
u should do what u think is right

who cares what i think?
why do u care what i think?

do what makes u feel comfortable
whats make ur skin feel like home

im trying to teach jala how to love herself
so she wont look for it
in guys whose insecure about themselves

so she wont find in it makeup
so she would stop asking me should she wear it
because my unpopular opinion will be "no"
and she will put it on anyway
so why ask me?

im trying to teach jala how to be herself
no matter whose watching
no matter who has something to say

im trying to teach jala what im learning myself

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