Chapter Fifteen!(:

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Authors Note: So this chapter took forever to type so i hope its worth it. Im really enjoying writing this and i love that other ppl are actually reading it. The comments really make my day so leave me some. Im haing trouble getting the cast together for this story so if you have any ideas let me know. This chapter was just alot of fun and just well i'll let you read and decide. Comment please! I'll update asap!


-RavenSierraxoxo <3 (:

Chapter Fifteen:

**Cody's POV:**

While I drove I listened to Selena sing, her voice was really amazing. I hadn't found one thing that she wasn't good at yet. “Baby-girl your voice is amazing.” She blushed. “Thanx.” “No really im serious your really talented.” I said honestly. “Maybe but hopefully dancing is my future. It could get me my scholarship and that's what I want.” I nodded. “Baby-girl with your voice alone you should get a scholarship.” She blushed even harder her face turning a deep red. She was too damn adorable. “My dream is to dance though, singing is just a hobby.” I smiled. “Were here.” She smiled and looked around. I had brought her to the lake, my favorite place. I hadn't brought anyone up here with me before it was a place I enjoyed and being here with Selena only made it better. Being here with anyone else would feel wrong but being here with her just felt right.

“Oh my god Cody it's beautiful.” She said smiling. I figured it was time to turn on the charm. “That's what I say when I think of you.” It must have worked because she blushed and looked over at me. “Thanx I love it here.” I nodded. “Yeah whenever I need to think I come here and it helps me clear my head. We climbed out of the car and I walked around to grab her hand. We walked quietly towards the water and I watched her look around as if she was remembering things. She looked so beautiful and flawless. I wouldn't change a single thing about her.

“I almost forgot how beautiful it was here.” she said as we sat down at the edge of the water. I nodded. “Yeah it's always like that here.” I replied. “Yeah I remember when I was little my dad used to bring me up here. After he left I just stopped driving up here.” She said. “You mind if I ask why?” “Why I stopped coming here?” I nodded. “Chad mainly. He didn't like me going anywhere alone, plus I didn't ever want him to come up here with me. He would ruin all the happy memories for me.” I groaned. “He is such an ass.” I mumbled. She laughed. “That's an understatement.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder pulling her close. “You know I love that laugh baby-girl.” She sighed and leaned in closer to me. “And I love you making me laugh. So what's the plan for tonight?” She asked making me smile. “Are you hungry?” She pulled away and nodded. “I'm starving.” She said giggling. I nodded. “There's a basket in the car. I figured a picnic by the water?” I suggested praying she would be okay with that. She smiled her flirty smile. “Sounds like the beginning of another amazing date.” “Does that mean all of our dates have been amazing?” I asked. She giggled. “Yup pretty much. You have a talent for making dates amazing.” She teased. I gave her my cocky grin. “One of my many talents.” She blushed. “Don't I know it.” We both laughed.

I walked to my car and grabbed the basket from the car and a blanket to lay out. We laid the blanket close to the water and sat down to eat. She went through the basket looking like a kid in a candy store. “You brought gushers!” She yelled grinning. I laughed. “Yeah baby-girl it's a necessity or something. Plus I think I have told you this before but I love making you smile.” She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close. “You really are amazing baby-boy.” She said before crashing her lips to mine. I kissed her back immediately enjoying the feeling of her lips on mine. I smiled against her lips thinking of what she had just called me. Normally I hated when girls called my by little pet names but coming from her mouth it sounded perfect. Before I had the urge to deepen the kiss I pulled back leaving us both breathless. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled. “That seems to keep getting better.” She said trying to catch her breath. “Tell me something I don't know.”

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