Chapter Forty-Seven!(:

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Author's Note: So i've really been trying to update more often. Since my laptop is finally up and running again with no problem it's been alot easier to write. Things with this book are really starting to come together now thank you to everyone that has stuck around with this book. I'm really trying to wrap this book up soon, im hoping to finish by July at the latest, but I can't promise anything. I'm dealing with some family issues right now too so things are alittle hectic, but I am trying. Hope this chapter is as good as I'd like it to be. 

-ravensierraxoxo(: <3

Chapter Forty-Seven: 

**Selena's POV:**

The next morning we all got up and cleaned everything up before we packed to head back home. I really wasn't in any hurry but I knew we had to get back home. There was so much to do and not much time to do it. I knew that I had to meet with the attorney on the case about Chad and there was alot more to do with Mom and David's wedding. The part that bothered me most was that I used to enjoy being at home with everyone and now because of Chad I almost didn't wanna ever go back. It just wasn't fair the way I had let this whole thing with a guy I hated change my life so much. I hated him for everything he had put me threw and I was more then determined to make him pay for what he did to me. Not just for me but for everything he had done to the whole family. For my mom and David and for Cody and my other friends. What Chad had done hadn't just hurt me but hurt everyone that cared about me and he couldn't get away with it anymore. 

"So let's promise that atleast once a month we'll get together and do something like this okay? Everyone promise!" I demanded as we finished packing. This weekend had been just what I needed and I couldn't wait to do it again. "Yeah I agree with Selena. We all need to hang out more often as a group." Lee added onto my statement. Everyone smiled and nodded. "Okay it's a deal." We all agreed. I grinned. I really couldn't wait to do it all again. With everything else I had coming up I knew I was gonna need another weekend away to forget about everything bad for a while. Sighing we all grabbed our last few things and climbed in the SUV to head back home. On the way back Lee and I sang along to the radio, Drew joined in a few times making us all laugh and carry on. I realized how much I missed everyone and I couldn't thank Cody enough for this idea. I hated the part about going home but it only made me look forward to coming back again. Cody dropped Drew and Jordan off first and then dropped off Lee and Mark. I would be seeing Lee again sometime this week when we went over more details for the upcoming wedding. Drew was supposed to come over with his Mom and help with more of the ideas. I had to remember to ask my mom if Drew could bring Jordan as his date. I didn't think she'd mind but I figured I'd check anyway. 

By the time we got home I was like dead tired. My leg was pretty stiff and all I wanted more then anything was a hot bubble bath to relax and then fall asleep in my boyfriends arms. "You okay Selena?" Cody asked as we pulled up in my driveway. I nodded. "Yeah pretty-boy im fine. Just tired and stiff. I'm gonna go take a bath. Wanna watch a movie or something after?" I asked. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me. "Sounds great babe." I nodded and climbed out of the car to help unload. "Oh no you don't. Go on inside and see your mother she's been going crazy missing you." David said surprising me. I laughed. "I've only been gone a weekend." I replied. David chuckled. "Yeah well to your mother you might as well have been gone for years." I nodded and hugged my new dad before heading inside the house to see my mother. She nearly tackled me the second I walked in the door. "I missed you too Mom." I teased hugging her back. She laughed. "Oh come on Lena I have the right to miss you I am your mother. So how was the trip?" I followed her into the livingroom where we sat down on the couch to talk about my weekend. 

**Cody's POV:**

David and I unloaded the car while he asked me about Selena. "So she was really careful and didn't over do anything?" he asked in a fatherly tone. I smiled and nodded. "Nope she did great. No injuries." I said happily. He nodded and smiled. "You know I really am glad she found someone like you Cody. She seems genuinely happy with you and you treat her wonderfully. Just don't hurt her okay?" I nodded. "I wouldn't dream of it David. I'm just worried about how she's gonna do with the whole court thing. Have they set a date yet?" I asked not really wanting to hear the answer. He nodded sadly. "Yeah we got a call from the attorney Friday. Carmen just didn't wanna tell Lena and ruin the weekend so she asked me to keep it under wraps so do speak." "Yeah it's okay. I understand completely. So when is the date?" He groaned. He didn't like the idea of this thing either. "Well about two weeks from now. Selena has to meet with the attorney this week and then she will find out everything she needs to know. I just hope she handles this all okay. I'd hate to see her go back to the way she was before." That was a statement that I couldn't help but agree with. Seeing Selena go back to the way she was a few weeks ago was my worst nightmare or atleast one of them. I think the worst would be losing her. It broke my heart seeing her upset and worried. She deserved to be happy or however she wanted to be. "I really think that she's gonna be okay. I mean if she made it this far I really believe that she can make it all the way threw. Once this whole thing is over with she can move on and put this whole thing behind her. She can forget that bastard." David nooded and helped me carry the bags inside.

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