Chapter Fifty-Two!(:

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authors note: okay so trying to keep up with my updating once a week i finally finished this chapter. I'm getting pretty close to the end of this book and i am both excited and sad at the same time. please leave me comments and feedback it helps alot. so happy reading!

Chapter Fifty-Two:

**Cody's POV:**

The next day Selena and Carmen took a ride to Ms. Monoco's office to talk about the choice she had made. I spent the morning finishing my latest essay and then went for a run to kill time. Just for fun I stopped by my house to check on my baby sister. I knew Mark was getting here today and I wanted to stop and see her before he got here. Lee was really happy to see me or it could have just been that she was really excited that her boyfriend was coming back today. Either way it was really nice to see my baby sister happy, I hated seeing her upset. She was really a special person and even though she drove me crazy most of the time I still loved her more then ever.

After my run I headed back to Selena's to take a shower. I still couldn't wait to be able to run with my baby again. She made it a lot more fun and a lot more interesting. It was just one more thing that made me love her even more if that was even possible. She seemed like she was finally getting to the point where she could put the whole Chad attack thing behind her and I for one couldn't wait until this was all a part of the past. When I finished my shower I went back to Selena's room to study for a big exam I had coming up. I never for one second regretted my choice to change schools to be closer to Selena. I only didn't really like the teachers I had. They were much harder then the one's I had been used to having before. But at the end of the day being able to hold Selena in my arms and just be with her made all of it so much worth it. That just made me love and care about her even more.

**Selena's POV:**

“Okay Selena if your sure that this is what you want then I will make sure that I get it all taken care of on Monday. It'll take me the weekend to get everything in order. More then likely I'll meet with Mr. Mills and his lawyer on Tuesday and that will be the day I put the deal on the table.” Ms. Monoco said sitting at her desk across from my mother and I. “Okay well what is it you will be offering him? We never really talked about the specifics of the whole plea deal.” my mother asked. “Well after looking over all the evidence time and time again I think we can offer him 10-15 years with the possibility of parole after 7-8 years. We can also make some sort of an arrangement with him to where he can never have any contact with Selena again. Even if he does get parole he will never be able to contact your daughter ever again. I can promise you that Carmen.” she answered. Honestly it sounded like a good idea to me. At least he would never be able to hurt me again. I just wanted this whole thing to be over and done with. There was just one thing I wanted to ask, just one thing.

“I'd like to be able to be there when you offer him the deal. I want to be able to look him in the eye when this whole nightmare comes to an end. That's all I want.” I finally spoke up. “Selena sweetheart do you really think that's a good idea? Maybe you shouldn't do that.” my mother responded. I shook my head. “Mom please I already won't be able to face him in court. I need closure from this whole thing and then I can move on. Please?” I almost begged. I know my mother was only trying to look out for and protect me, but this was something I needed. “Lena look what happened when you went to see him in jail, do you really think that facing him again is a good idea? Samantha what do you think?” Ms. Monoco shrugged. “Carmen as I told you before sometimes the victim facing the attacker helps them with the healing process. Honestly I think that Selena should be able to decide what she wants. We'll be in an interview room and there will be an officer there so he can't hurt her. He will also be cuffed. I'll be there along with Mr. Mills and his lawyer. He won't be able to lay a finger on Selena.” “Yes but that still means he can threaten her and say hurtful things. I really don't think that anyone should even be considering this especially you Selena.” My mother was basically pleading with me to not do this and as much as I didn't wanna upset her I knew in my heart that this was something I needed to do. One last time I needed to face him and say good-bye. He had already taken so much for me and I wasn't willing to give him to pleasure or satisfaction of taking my dignity along with everything else. “Mom I know that your trying to protect me, but this is my choice. Please Mom. This will be the last time I will ever have to face him again. I think that I'm finally strong enough to handle this. I am begging you please let me do this. Trust me.” My mother looked at me and then at Samantha. “As much as I hate this whole idea I guess this like so many other things in this world is just something that I need to let you decide for yourself. But Selena I'm really begging you to be careful. And Samantha I'm going to have to depend on you to watch out for her. If at anytime things start to get out of hand I need to to both promise me that you will get out of there. Even cuffed and watch that bastard can still harm you.” Samantha and I both nodded.

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