Chapter Forty-Five!(:

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Author's Note: So I notice that my chapters are coming out alittle faster, but that's a good thing though right? I'm doing alot better so im trying to make up for the time that I went without updating. I'm changing my direction with this story and  I really hope you all like it. I'm hoping to have this book finished by May, but no promises. There will be a sequel if you guys want one. Anyway this chapter was pretty fun to write. Let me know what you think!(: 

-ravensierraxoxo(: <3 

 -baby you light up my world like nobody else <3 

Chapter Forty-Five: 

      **Selena's POV:**

    The next few days went by pretty fast and before I knew it it was the weekend, which meant it was  time for the camping trip. I had everything I needed packed up the night before and Cody loaded it all up. We were taking David's SUV since there were 6 of us going. It was gonna be Cody, Me, Lee, Mark, Drew, and Jordan. Jordan is Drew's new boyfriend. From what Drew said he was a pretty great guy. I was really happy for Drew he deserved it. "Excited baby?" Cody asked as we headed to Leeann's to pick her an Mark up. Mark had drove down last night and just crashed at Lee's with her. Cody didn't see to happy about it but he wasn't gonna say anything. "Yeah im really excited about it. A chance to get away with my baby, my best friends, and at my favorite place, I can't wait!"  I said happily. Cody smiled. "Well im glad your looking forward to it babe. I love seeing you smile like that." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him as he pulled into Lee's driveway.

       Mark and Lee were standing outside with all of their things packed and ready to go. "Damn Lee your actually on time for once." Cody teased as he climbed out of the car to help Mark load things up. "I didn't have a choice Selena said if I wasn't ready she was gonna come drag me out by my hair!" I busted out laughing knowing it was true. I told her she better be ready. I couldn't wait for this trip and nothing was gonna stop it. I was finally out of my cast and able to walk. I just had to wear the boot now, but that wasn't gonna stop me from having a blast this weekend. "Sel did you really say that to Lee?" Cody asked coming over to the passenger window to look at me. I smiled. "Now baby do I look like I would say something like that?" I said using my innocent face. Cody grinned. "Baby I know you would but I still love you." he replied leaning into kiss me. "Alright everything is loaded up so you two break it up we still have to pick up Drew and Jordan." Lee yelled climbing into the SUV.

       We drove to Drew's and found him standing outside with a extremely good looking guy but he wasn't nothing compared to Cody. "Damn Drew snagged another hottie!" Lee said from the backseat. I laughed . "Yeah but im happy with my baby and Lee so are you and trust me that boy ain't into girls, Drew said he was only into guys." I replied. "Damn Lee then what am i?" Mark asked faking hurt. I turned around to look at him and Lee. "You are my baby and I love you!" Lee said grabbing the front of Mark's shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. "Okay I know I said im cool with the whole dating thing but can you not make out in front of me?" Cody wined. Lee pulled away from Mark and looked at her brother. "Fine Cody but if i can't kiss Mark this weekend then you can't kiss Selena all weekend." My eyes widened. There was no way I could keep myself from kissing Cody all weekend. "Okay there's no way I could do that so carry on." Cody said smiling at me. Thank god because I would not be able to handle that.

   We all busted out laughing at Cody's sudden quick change of heart. "Damn Cody your whipped as hell!" Mark teased from the backseat. "Mark I have no problem wuth admitting that im whipped. Plus you have no room to talk. Lee says jump and you say how high." Cody shot back. Once again everyone busted out laughing. "Guys come on admit it your all whipped so who gives a damn?" Drew commented. "Yeah Drew's right." I said. "Okay so were all whipped but were all happy , so i don't really see a problem with it. Is there a problem with us being happy?" Cody asked. "Yeah Cody's right" Mark answered. "Okay so changing the subject, Jordan why don't you tell us alittle about yourself. Drew didn't tell us much so maybe you can fill in the banks?" I suggested. I didn't want Jordan to be uncomfortable and to the naked eye our group could be alittle strange sometimes, but I woulldn't change that for anyone, none of us would.

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