Chapter Forty-One!(:

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authors note: so I know my updates have been kinda slow and the chapters haven't been so good and I'm really sorry for that. I'm dealing with alot right now so it's been hard. Mom just got out of the hospital thank god, but I'm also going through a pretty bad break up so bare with me. I was thinking about it and figured I'd ask you guys, do you think I'm dragging this story out too long? I never planned on this story being so long but it kinda just happened. So let me know what you think. If I'm dragging it out let me know. I don't wanna bore anyone. All the support with this story has been amazing and means so much to me. I really wanna thank all of you that comment, it means more then you will ever know. When I started this book it was just something to keep me from being bored and turned into something bigger. Please comment and let me know what you think. I'm hoping to finish this story up within the next month or two. Depends on how much time I have to write and what you guys think. A sequel is possible just once again depends on you guys and your thoughts. Happy reading(:

-ravensierraxoxo <3

Chapter Forty-One:

**Cody's POV:**

I was really shocked and proud of Selena for actually wanting to see Leeann, maybe that meant she was making progress. But on the other hand I kinda figured she was only doing it to avoid talking about what happened with Chad. I knew her visit with him didn't go well just by the way she was acting I could tell something bad had happened and it was killing me not to know. I really had decided that I was gonna pay Chad a little visit. "Alright baby girl I'm gonna go pick Lee and grab a few things from my house. Are you gonna be alright on your own?" I asked Selena before turning to leave the room.

"Cody I'm fine I don't need a baby sitter. Go ahead I'm not going anywhere." she answered quietly. "Okay I'll see you in a bit. I love you." "Yeah love you too." I stood in the doorway and just watched her for a few seconds. I hated seeing her like this. So depressed and withdrawn. So empty. It was actually hurting me emotionally and physically. I really didn't know what to do anymore. I was running out of ideas. Maybe and hopefully seeing Leeann would snap her out of this depression. Yeah I knew it was a long shot but I could hope right? Hope was the only thing I could do anymore and I did it all the time.

When I arrived at my house I saw Leeann's car in the driveway meaning she was home. I smiled and climbed out of my car. I really missed my baby sister. I felt really bad that I had changed schools to be closer to her and everyone, but between juggling classes and taking care of Selena I didn't have much time to spend with Lee. She said she completely understood though and I loved that about Leeann, she was so loving and understanding. As soon as I walked through the door I was nearly tackled to the ground. "Missed you too Princess!" I teased. "Yeah I've missed you too loser. Now can we go? I really really wanna see my best friend." she said letting go and stepping back. "Well yeah but I need to grab a few things and there are some things I need to talk to you about." She groaned and followed me up the steps towards my bedroom. "Come on then hurry up."

"Okay now you've got your laptop and some clothes, now what is it that you need to talk to me about?" she asked. "Lee Selena isn't the same person she was before. She's depressed, angry, emotional, and extremely withdrawn. I don't want you getting all excited to see her just to be let down if she rejects you or something. She's really a mess today since she went to see him." I finished. Her eyes went wide. "She went to see that bastard? Why the hell would she do that? Why would you guys allow her to go? After everything he did to her!" she snapped. "Calm down Lee. It's what Selena wanted and her parents and doctors agreed it should be her choice. There was a 50/50 shot that seeing him could help her and it was a risk we were all willing to take. We all just want her back." I said feeling tears fill my eyes. It wool everything in me not to cry these days.

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