Chapter Forty-Eight!(:

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Author's Note: Okay so here's the next part. I know it might not be as interesting as the other chapters, but they can't always be that interesting. The next chapter has alot more drama and I hope to have it up by the end of the week! thank you everyone that has stuck with me it means the world! 

Chapter Forty-Eight:       

**Cody's POV:**

"Really that's how you greet someone?" she said into the phone. I rolled my eyes. "Vanessa I really don't have time for this right now. We broke up and you blew the whole trying to be friends thing at the formal that night. That's it. What the hell do you want from me?" I said really annoyed. "Look im sorry for what happened at the formal, I didn't mean to act the way I did. It just really hurt me seeing you with someone else." "Look it's whatever I don't really care anymore, but I have something to do so I can't really talk right now so if your finished can I go?" I know I was being kinda short with her but I really didn't have time for her bullshit. "Okay fine. I was just calling to see how Selena was. I heard about the accident." That right there really shocked me. "Who told you?" I asked really wondering who would have told her of all people. "It really doesn't matter who told me. Just how is she?" I laughed. "Really Vanessa? Why the hell would you wanna know how my girlfriend is?" She paused I guess shocked by my statement. "Cody alot of things I might be but heartless isn't one of them. I know you care about her so I was just wondering how she was. Forgive me for asking." I groaned. "Fine. She's fine. Now you wanna tell me the real reason you called?" Again she paused. "I guess I just miss you." I couldn't help but laugh. "Haven't we gone over this on more then one occasion? Your the one that dumped me for someone else. I'm not a play toy that you can pick up whenever you get bored. Now I really have to go. Do me a favor and don't call me again. I'm in a relationship and im happy so just don't okay?" I could have sworn that I heard her start to cry but I didn't say anything I just hung up. I didn't need this right now. I had more important stuff to worry about like Selena. 

I put my phone back into my pocket and took a deep breath before I started running. I just didn't understand why Vanessa would call me like that. And more then that I wondered who told her about Selena. I kinda figured that it was one of the guys, but honestly it didn't matter. I tried to forget about the whole thing as I ran, wishing Selena could be here running with me. I kinda hoped that she would still be in bed when I got back since I didn't leave a note or anything. I couldn't believe I had just left like that. My head was really a mess right now. I was just so worried about her that I wasn't thinking straight and Vanessa calling didn't help, I really should have her number blocked. A major part of me was hoping that Vanessa's calling me wasn't a bad sign of some sort. 

**Selena's POV:**

My mother and I laid out on the deck for a while before heading back into the house. It was nice to be spending time with her and it was something I really enjoyed it. Cody still wasn't back yet and I hadn't heard from him. Call me a worry wart or whatever, but something kept telling me that something was wrong. Groaning I sat down on the couch and started watching tv. It was just me at the house since my mother had ran out to get some stuff for dinner. We were taking a break from the wedding planning for a few days. Mom said that with the court thing started soon she didn't wanna put too much pressure on me. But I really enjoyed helping out with the wedding. It gave me something to do and gave me a way to help my mother with something. After everything I had put my family threw helping with the wedding was the least I could do. I flipped threw the channels not really paying attention to anything on the screen. I was too busy wondering where Cody had gone. It was just strange for him to disappear like this. I know it's pathetic, but what could I say. I missed my boyfriend. I don't know how long I laid on the couch but I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Cody was sitting on the floor next to the couch running his fingers threw my hair. 

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