Story two: Resses' with a "friend"

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A short while after. I was talking to Jess and Britney over heard us talking about how I liked carter.

"YOU LIKE CARTER!" She yelled happily

"Yes" i replied

Later that month I was being dragged by friends to Carter because lord knows I could never talk to him on my own. Eventually we were close to his friends group and I messed up.

I meant to say Ash help. But I went and I screamed " CARTER HELP."

He looked at me shook his head and then ignored me.  Yay. I got free of my friends grip and booked it. I went over to my other friends and I asked my friend frantically how do I hid for a year.

"Why what did you do?" Ella asked

"Well I messed up. I went to get help from my friend when my other friends were dragging me to Carter and I accidentally screamed out his name."

Then my friend Britney walked up.

Shortly after

"I am so sorry Lexi." She said with a wide smile on her face.

"What did you do.?"

"Well one of his friends asked if you liked Carter. I said YEP and then realized my mistake."

About a month later

Me and Britney were walking and one of Carters friend straight at me and yelled "HEY CARTER THATS THE GIRL THAT LIKES YOU."

I was so embarrassed I hid behind the trash can while my Britney was just laughing her face off.

Then I ran away.

When Britney got back I asked. "Ok so what was the percent chance he didn't hear that."

"About five percent."

Well great, just great.

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