Well, I'm avoiding French now

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In French class

My Friend Fdin and I were writing a dialogue we'd have to say in front of the class. During the days we were writing the script, I had coffee before coming to school. This was fine until the day we had to present. People asked me if I was okay because was literally rocking back and forth in my chair because I was WAY too hyper. Quote from someone in my class when I told them I only had one cup of coffee. 'Did you have one cup, or the thing it pours out of.'

We practiced and showed our teacher that we could speak the freaking French words.

Okay, I'll admit I'm not good with speaking in front of people so my teacher told me I had to be loud. I got the pronunciation correct but that wouldn't matter if no one could hear me. Basically she told me I was quiet. (I'm sorry to anyone I speak to because they have to ask what around eight times because I won't say it louder). I don't know what clicked in my brain, because I was like you think I'm quiet, well prepare to loose you hearing.

During the presentation my friend was getting her lines correct but I knew for a fact I would get the next line wrong because some of the words in French are actually just sounds. Also I kinda forgot people existed in my class because i was so into character. So one word before I would end my one of my sentences I decided I would scream as loud as I could difficile. So I did and then ended doing random stuff throughout my presentation because I was bored.  Don't mix boredom with caffeine.

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