And we're back

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Just at school!

I saw a guy that I hated and planned to go the other way and I decided to piss him off. So I walked straight by him smiling and he just glared straight at me.

Different time at school

I was in French class and it was dead silent and I was scared because we were presenting our projects to our class. I was trying to calm myself down and I ended cracking my knuckles and it was loud. Later when I was actually presenting my parter kept changing what we were saying so I couldn't find what I was supposed to say. I awkwardly walked over to my parter to look off her sheet and everyone noticed!

Me every dang day

I was sitting on the bench in the cafeteria, and I guess I was slowly falling off and I didn't realize until I was on the ground.

The lunch monitor looked down and me and then continued walking, they didn't give a f*ck.

Then in class I was sitting sideways at my desk. Then I fell forwards hitting my head on my desk.


First freaking day of high school.

Me and my friend Fdin were eating in the cafeteria and we were going to go to our lockers early because why not.

"Okay so my sister is over there, avoid eye contact and speed walk away. Okay?" I said


"Because she's my sister."

We had barely  made it out of the doors when my sister gave me hug almost causing me to fall on face.

"Hey!" She said still pushing as I was sliding around because my shoes had no grips.

As soon she was gone I bolted up the stairs.

"So that's why you wanted to avoid, you didn't want her to embarrass you."

"I failed that now didn't eye?"

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