I prayed for a demon

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      I am sorry for posting short chapters! I will try to write longer ones! I am just bored with life... Sorry that was completely of topic but it's true. 😓😓😓
My stomach churned. I squished myself into a corner so Raven wouldn't be able to see Sebastian or Ciel. I pressed on the icon to accept the Face Time, I quickly straightened my hair as it said connecting.
"Hey!" Raven's popped up in front of me "Where are you?"
"Um...well you wouldn't believe me if I told you..."
"Show me!" I flipped the camera so it would face Sebastian and Ciel. "Wow! those are some good cosplayers! And that is one smexy Sebastian cosplayer!" I blushed cherry red. Sebastian had an amused look on his face while Ciel just looked plain confused.
        "Those aren't cosplayers..." I said quietly.
        "Hu?" I flipped the camera back to me.
        "There r-" I was cut of by the screen going completely black. "CRAP!!! I forgot to charge the damn thing!!". I grabbed my back pack that I still had since I was coming home from school, and when't on an excavation to try to find a charger. Then I realized something... If I found my charger I would still need an outlet, I'm In the freakin' 1800! Where in hell was I supposed to find an outlet?!?! "GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!"  I couldn't survive a day with ought my phone "I'm going to die..." I just sighed and tried to compose myself as much as I could. "Sorry about that...I should be leaving now,". Ciel shook himself out of his shock.
           "Um, y-yes goodbye," he nodded. I grabbed my backpack and left the mansion, then my second moment of realization hit me. I don't have a house or anywhere to stay I was in England. I rushed back to the mansion and nocked on the door, the door opened relieving Sebastian.
            "Sorry but I just remembered...I don't have anywhere to stay..." He looked at me skeptically.
            "Yes come in..." I quickly walked in avoiding his gaze.
            "What are you doing here again," he put emphasis on 'you'
            "Well, I forgot I have nowhere to spend the night," he bit his lip knowing what I was actually asking.
            "Fine, you my stay here as a guest, but only for tonight!" My face brightened and a huge grin appeared.
"Thank you!!" I said still sustaining my smile.
"Sebastian take her to the guest room," Sebastian suddenly popped up next to me,
"Yes young master," he bowed and I internally had a heart attack like fangirl moment. "Come this way," he turned and left through a hallway on the left, I nodded and when't with him. Going through the dark passages of the Phantomhive manor I tried to memorize everything but is was nearly impossible, how did bard, Finny, and Mey Rin know where to go I mean I understand Sebastian but the other Phantomhive servants are idiots when it comes to something other than killing people and protecting the manor. Oh well better not strain my brain thinking. "We are here," I broke away from my chain of thoughts.
            "Yes, thank you," he opened the door for me while bowing. I stepped inside the large room which was about twice the size of mine at home. The door slammed behind me, and I threw myself on the bed, I took a deep breath. A tear escaped my eye, but with it I smiled the biggest smile I ever had. I whispered one word "Finally," .

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