Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home

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"I'm going to miss you." hugging Vanessa tightly. "Come back soon, okay?"

"Geez! Skye, don't worry I'll bring you a Hot Hawaiian Guy." laughing at me as I started crying in her arms.

"Shut up, but I'll miss you." Chuckling like a crazy person wiping my tears away.

"Happy you don't wear mascara, you'll look uglier if you did." She jokingly said. "I'll miss you too."

"Vanessa, we should probably go in." Mrs. Bradley said as she took the luggage with her.

"You should go now." I said sniffing my nose from crying.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." She smiles at me.

"See you soon." I said with a small frown on my face.

"I will. Bye." she said one last time waving before entering the door.


Summer vacation is finally over. It means, Vanessa will be back soon from her vacation and it makes me so excited. I wish I could come with her, but summer camp is my usual vacation spot. I'm currently on the bus going back home as the camp officially ended this morning. I'm sitting next to Serena, my new found friend from the camp and her step brother, Jake.

"Finally, I can check my twitter. I wonder what is trending right now." Serena rubbing her chin thinking.

"Could be #SummerOver or #Backtoschool." Jake answers.

"You are probably right." Serena nodding to what Jake said.

"I know right?" Jake stretching his arms, resting one over my shoulder. "How many books in total did you bring? It seems everytime I see you, you're holding a new book." He looks at the book I am holding like it was an abstract object that he was trying to figure out.

"Don't exaggerate. I only brought 5 books." I said as I push his arms away. Serena laughs at my gesture that earns her a glare from Jake.

"Give me that!" Jake took the book and opened the window. He attempts to throw my precious book, my eyes immediately widens in horror.

"Are you crazy? Give that back!" I try to snatch my book from his hand but he was taller than me, so I can't really reach it.

"First tell me something." He said smirking leaning closer to me. His sudden action got me to sit back again on my seat.

I furrowed my brows at him. "Tell you what?" I asked.

"That you love me." Jake leaning for a kiss but I quickly stopped him by pushing his face away with my palm.

"You wish!" I said.

"You know she'll never like you, stupid." Serena laughing as she grab the book out of Jake's hand and hit him in the head with it.

"Ouch, Pig!" Jake blurted as he rub the top of his head. "First of all I am not stupid!" He glare at Serena that wasn't even bothered by his death glares.

"Doubtful." She stick her tongue out at him to annoy him more.

"Shut up!" Jake said to Serena, before turning to me. "Tell me why Skye?" He asked.

I let out a breath. "Jake, I like someone else. I'm sorry." Trying to make it sound not hurtful.

"Burn!" Serena comments as she laugh harder from Jake's confused expression. "Why ask when you already know the answer."

"I said Shut up!" Jake puts his hand over Serena's mouth. "It's fine Skye. There are still other fish in the sea. I just thought maybe you had a change of heart." Jake giving me a cocky smile.

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