Chapter 34: Angry Birds

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It has only been two days since Dylan and I were official. Some people talk of cruelty against it and others are okay with it. Miley was happy to find out about me and Dylan, she was even insisting for a double date but I couldn't say yes for I need to ask Dylan first if he wants.

I was on my way to my 3 class in the afternoon when Heather approach me.

"I'm impressed! You got what you wanted after all Skye" She smiles like she's not herself


"Yeah! Don't worry about me and him, we are so over. I realize that high school boys are stupid I'm into college boys now, more mature"

"That's very good for you!" I said awkwardly smiling

"Just tell Dylan I said Hi!"


"Bye Skye!" Then she left

"That was awkward and strange" I said to myself and continued to my next class but someone pushed me from behind. I turned to look who it was and saw Vanessa with her army of angry birds.

"Not sorry!" She said smirking

"Because you did it on purpose" I said

"Yeah I totally did!" She laughs and so as her angry birds, I turn back again but she trip me that I almost fall to the floor, gladly I went just off balance and grabbed on to fire extinguisher that was on display for emergency "And that too!" I fisted my hand but calm myself down again and was about to walk away but she pulled my hair with my anger I yanked her hand roughly off my hair.

"Don't ever make me forget that once you were my bestfriend" I said to her angrily

"I've already forgotten about that" she evilly laughs "But you stealing my boyfriend, that I will never forget"

"I didn't steal him, you drove him away because of your stinky personality" I fired back

"I'm impressed you've level up but remember Skye, I always get wants mine. Don't feel too happy and comfortable for you might just wake up one day and you've lost it all" she smirks with evilness "Come on girls!" She gestured for them to go

I will never let her get into my skin.


Dylan had lacrosse practice and he wanted me to officially meet his teammates. He loved them like brothers and he said that they were nice fellas.

"Do I look okay?" My hands shaking from nervousness

"You look perfect!" He said smiling

"What if they won't like me and that they also think that I steal you from Vanessa" I was biting my lip

"I know the boys will love you" as we approach the lacrosse practice area the boys started to applaud

"Why are they clapping?" I ask Dylan for I was so confused

"Here comes the Mighty Skye!" Simon shouting in repeat as the team cheers

"Guys! This is my girlfriend Skye" Dylan introduces me to them and they started hugging me one by one, they haven't started practice yet so they weren't sweaty yet "Stop! Stop! This is my girlfriend!" Dylan being possesive

"We just wanted to thank Skye for enlightening your mind that was clouded by Vanessa" 25 jersey said

"Hank, it's like Vanessa was the worst" Dylan said

"Ohh She was!" 25 Hank said high fiving one of his teammate "I even remember that time she tried to change our color uniform to pink, elk!" Hank face was disgusted

"and you almost said yes!" Simon pointed on Dylan

"Really?" I asked chuckling at Dylan

"I already apologized to all about it" he face palm himself

"Also in everytime we practice she watches but complain and complain about everything, like why would she even watch if she's not shutting her mouth with her mickey mouse voice!" 32 Jersey said patting Hank's shoulder

"You guys are being mean" I said smiling

"We are just saying the truth" Hank defends

"I promise I'll shut up while you practice" I said zipping my mouth "By the way I brought some cupcakes" I said handing them boxes of cupcakes

"We love you already!" Hank taking the boxes "This is the best pick Dylan!" He said eating the cupcake with the rest of the team

"Told you they'll like you!" Dylan whispers, I just winked at him

I was on the bleachers watching while the boys were practicing, Serena came to watch them with me.

"Sooooooo" I said as I spot her looking at Simon

"What?" She ask me

"You and Simon" Wiggling my brows

"oooh please it was like a long time ago" rolling her eyes

"But why didn't you tell me? He's hot!" I tease her

"Yeah right!" She sarcastically said

"He is! And I saw you looking at him just earlier"

"I was not!" She lied "He and I are O-V-E-R!"

"Why is that? What happened between you two?"
"Things just didn't work out between the two of us"

"But you two lasted a year!" I pointed out to her



"There was really nothing juicy about my relationship with him, one day it was amazing and then things happened and we ended" She said

"What kind of things please specify" I was just so interested about their past relationship

"I don't know maybe we grew apart"

"Ooooohhhh" Simon was waving towards Serena, even blown a kiss. Serena just gave him the middle finger making Simon laugh. Thsis two are so weird that they look adorable.

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