Chapter 38: Broken

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Days passed Dylan trying to talk to me at my house, school, even in the bakeshop. It still hurts like it was yesterday but he has to do his responsibilities. Then this yesterday came that he didn't tried to talk to me, I thought leaving him was the right decision but not having him in my life is like living like you're dead.

"Shut up Jake!" Serena fighting with Jake again

"Don't be such a pig" Jake said

"Fine! Why don't you eat it all!" Serena putying her pizza on Jake's plate. Before I find their fighting funny but why is it like I only feel hurt and nothing else

I saw Dylan and Vanessa entered the cafeteria, Vanessa's arms linked on Dylan's arms. We locked sight with eachother and Vanessa saw it and pulled Dylan for a kiss.

Look away Skye!

I tried telling myself but I just couldn't and it hurts me more. I'm the one suppose to be with him kissing and holding him near. I felt tears fell from my eyes that made me look away.

"Skye" Serena said with concern

"I'm fine!" I wiped the tears "I remembered I have things to do" I packed my things and walked out the cafeteria to the ladies room, crying my misery away.

"I know you're in there!" Serena eagerly knocking on the cubicle

"Please Serena, I want to be alone"

"Remember the time I left you alone, you almost had alcohol poisoning" she continuesly knock, I decided to open the door

"It hurts so bad!" I said crying sitting at the toilet seat

"I know! I know!" She rubs my back trying to calm me down

"I know it's the right thing to do but does it have to hurt so much?"

"I'm sorry! If only I can take the pain away"

"You that's not possible"



Looking at her hurts. I wanna hold her next to me tell her that I love her but I couldn't.

"Dylan, I want some chocolate! Can you buy me some please"

This has been my life ever since I found out about the baby and when Skye and I broke up.

"Dylan, I forgot can you make it a white chocolate" Vanessa said and went back talking to her friends

After dropping Vanessa home, I always want drive pass Skye's house that I might see her even from a far. I saw her by the porch holding Kyle sitting. It made me smile, I could be there beside her and telling her I love you but It's differebt now.

I drove home and In my surprise and unfortunate luck, Dad's home.

"Dylan honey!" Mom saw me

"Hi Mom!" I kissed her on the cheeks

"I didn't know you were having a baby?" He said being the perfect father he never was "Even though you are too young to be a dad, I know you and Skye will be great to the child"

"It's not with Skye" mother broke it to him

"Oh" he was surprised "I thought you were dating Skye, you were so happy that day"

"Well things might not seem the way they are, right dad?" I sarcastically said

"You two looked so inlove" he added

"Not all that you see are true" my jaw tightens

"Dylan!" Mom said

"I'm sorry! I'm just having a rough day, scratch that a bad life actually!" I said looking at my Father "Excuse me! I have homework to do!" I excused myself and went to my room

Slamming my bedroom door, throwing my bag on my bed. I sat there looking at my phone wanting to so bad to text Skye, even though I shouldn't. The door opened and Dad came in.

"Dylan, I know you are having a bad day but can't just-"

"Just shut up and not tell mom or give mom any Idea about your mistress?!" Rubbing the side of my head

"I was not going to talk about that"

"Then when are we going to talk about it!?" I stood up throwing my phone on my bed "For I am so sick of pretending that you are the perfecf dad ever!"

"I have my mistakes, Dylan"

"Mistakes?! People make mistakes yes but they don't fuck their mistakes every weekend or everytime they go on bussiness trips" I had enough of this bullshit.

"I am still your dad and you have no right to talk to me like that!" Him holding my collar with eyes burning

"You stopped being mg Dad a long time ago" I yanked his hands off my collar "Did it ever occured to you that knowing about your mistress and not being able to tell mom about it hurts? No! Because you are too busy fucking her!"

"I love your mom, you and your siblings"

"Do you really? Then why stay with her?!" He couldn't answer me "Why?!"

"I don't know" he finally answers

"You don't know! Wow!" Clapping my hands "I look up to you, adored you but all of that dissapeared only hurt was left along with hatred towards you" I was crying that all the hurt was overflowing, that I couldn't contain it anymore "You didn't even know that you were the one who first broke my heart"

"I'm so sorry!" He said

"Do you think that it's a little bit too late for your apology?"

"I know but I didn't know that I have caused you so much pain these past years, for being so selfish"

"All I want right now is for you to tell mom the truth"

"I will make it up to every hurt that I have cause you" he pulled me into a hug "I promise you that son!" I cried more him holding me

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