Chapter 18: Dreams and Reality

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"I wanted to tell you something" he was nervous and a bit shaking "Skye I-"

"Skye, let's go!" Serena pulling me to go somewhere

"Skye!" Dylan yelled my name

"I can't hear you!" Speakers were everywhere, I can't understand a word that he says for music was booming loudly at the same time Serena was pulling me. I yanked Serena's hand off and looked for a plug turning the speakers off

"Skye, I wanted to tell you that I-" Jake was doing magic tricks that I didn't even know he knew.

"Come see the rabbit inside my hat" Jake give me a hat and a rabbit jumps out

"Skye!" Dylan grabs my hand and pulls me towards him "I love y-"

My alarm clock rings waking me up from my sleep and an almost perfect dream.

"What the!" I slam off the alarm and groans in frustration "Stupid Alarm!"

"Skye breakfast is ready!" Mom knocks on my door

"I'll shower first" I shouted as I get up of my bed

I usually sang my favorite shower song Ironic by Alanis Morisette in my shower repeatedly as I finish. I dried my self and change in comfortable clothes that I mean is a tshirt and jeans.

I went to the kitchen Dad sipping on his coffee, Mom preparing Nate's lunch while Nate eats his breakfast. I pulled a chair and ate some boiled eggs.

"So Skye, how was the party?" Dad asks

"Sorry, I should have came home early but we had to take Dylan home first"

"What time did you get in?"

"2 in the morning" Closed my eyes for I don't want to see Dad's dissapointed face

"We usually stayed out all morning me and your Mom when we were teenagers" Dad reminicing about the good old days

"You should not tell that to your kids" Mom scolded Dad

"I was just impressed that she even came home while drunk"

"I did not drink" I told them

"Wow! Just wow!"

"Chris!" Mom hit Dad with a cloth "That only means Skye that you are a very responsible teenager, forget about what your Dad said. It's the side effect of drinking to much coffee"

"What your Mom said" Dad wiggling his brows smiling


"What?" Dad laughing

"Stop! Teaching your kids unappropriate things!" Mom pinches dad on the ear

"Okay! Okay!" He surrenders

Knocks were heard by the door

"I'll get it!" standing to answer the door, I opened it to the sight of Jake and Serena

"Good Morning!" Serena holding a cake on her hand

"Good Morning?"

"I bought a cake, I made it myself" she hands me the cake

"We own a bake shop, why give us a cake?" I ask her as I step aside to let them in

"I already told her that!" Jake said entering the house

"I wanted to ask your mom what's she think of the cake"

As she spoke, Mom entered the living room.

"Hi Mrs. Morgan!" Jake said

"Hi Jake, Serena!

"Hi Mrs. Morgan, I wanted to give you these" She took the cake from my hand and gave it to my mom "Sorry the frosting was a bit messed up"

"Thank you Serena, you didn't have too" Mom smiles

"She wants to know about your opinion on the cake" I said closing the door "I'll just brush my teeth and be right back" I ran up stairs and brushed my teeth. I saw my phone on my bed and picked it up. There was an unread message.


I just wanted to thank you for last night, got your number from Serena hope you don't mind. Dylan

A smile was on my face as I read the message, I didn't want to reply but that would be rude so I did.


No big deal. You are welcome.

I ran back down stairs shoving my phone on my pocket.

"Let's go!" I said holding the door

"Thank you so much Mrs. Morgan for the tips and advice" Serena happily said to my Mom

"Glad to help" Mom said

"We'll go now, Ma'am, Sir" Jake said in a polite way

"Such a charming boy" Mom smiles on Jake "Don't you date my daughter?" She randomly said, making me choke on my own saliva and Jake chuckled


"I would have, if she agrees too" Jake winking at me

"Can we go now?" I drag Jake out the house

"Bye Mr. And Mrs. Morgan, bye Nate!" Serena waving

"Have fun in school, learn something" Dad shouted from the kitchen


"You look happy today" Serena notice my constant smiling

"I'm always like this" I defended myself

"No! You're not. I'm the jolly one" pointing to herself "Did he text you?" Her hands resting on her hips

"Yeah!" I smiled nodding

"That's why!" Threw her hands in the air

"I think it's my right to feel happy sometimes" I said still smiling


"I'm going to tell you about my dream earlier this morning!" I made a toothy grin at her

"Don't tell me you dreamt about drunk Dylan" she rolls her eyes

"I dreamt of him but he was not drunk, he trying to tell me something but you and Jake keeps popping in ruining the moment and when he has was about to tell me, I woke up!" I hugged my books tighter

"But was there any clue what he was going to tell you?"

"I think it was the L word"


"I think so"

"Bummer!" Serena said

"Super" I pouted

I was pushed aside by someone walking by, who absolutely doesn't know about good manners.

"Excuse me!" I said to the one who pushed me, it was Vanessa.

"You're excused!" She evilly laughs with her new found minions

"Bitch!" Serena yelled at Vanessa

Dylan came through the doors and Vanessa being her evil self looked at me making sure that I was looking and grabbed Dylan kissing him.

"I like it better in your dream when there was no Vanessa" Serena took me away from the scene

"I guess back to reality?" I asked her

"I guess so!"

"It sucks!"

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