Line Five: Past

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Satisfy me, you disobedient young boy. I said satisfy me! She whipped him hard multiple times. Y-yes, ma'am. He proceeded to fulfill her sexual desires. What did you call me? I'm not your ma'am. Right now, you're my slave and I'm your dominion. Call me master. She released yet another whip to his back leaving him to bleed. F-forgive me, master. Please stop.

With shackles locking his hands and feet, he was helpless. He kneeled down to the floor begging for mercy. His hands were trembling and his brittle body couldn't bear any longer. The older woman let out a maniacal laugh absorbing all the power she gained from the young men's weakness. The weaker he is, the higher her pleasure.

Now now, be a good boy and stay still okay? I'm off to take yet another equipment for round two. She went off leaving the young men bare with marks all over his back. The young men was terrified, lost and petrified. Although now as he glance back, he's glad it was all over.

"Poor baby..." I stroke his hair lightly after listening to his tragic sex slave story. We have gotten closer the past couple of weeks. Finally today, as we draw near to the end of the month, he was ready to spill the beans.

"Please don't be involved again, alright?" He reassured me he would never resort to being a sex slave in order to gain more money he was desperate at that point of time. The company was at its brink, debts were piling in and he needed to get money pronto which resulted him to slavery. I'm glad he stopped. I really am. I can't bear to see him hurt. It hurts me too. No matter how cliche that sounded.

We aren't exclusive yet if you are wondering. We love to call each other pet names. We will randomly call each other babe, baby, love. Other times we will just come up with quirky ones like peanut, pumpkin, pinhead.

He raised his head off of my shoulder to look me in the eye. A smirk spread across his face. "Remember when we played 20 questions?" I hummed as response. "You sure you're not bisexual?"

I gulped the lump in my throat. He totally caught me off guard. "Jungkookieeee" he teased, purring up my neck which was making my hooha tingle. "Hey come on now, someone might see us" if only his office windows isn't transparent. I think it's time for him to get a curtain to cover it up. Increase privacy, if you get what I mean.

"Ah don't worry about them. They are worse than us" he proceeded to his chair to put on his coat. He was wearing a caramel colored one today. Nice.

I couldn't help but release a laugh. "And why's that?"

"I was working overtime the other night. Maybe they figured nobody was around so-"

"Lemme guess, they had sex on the desk?"

"YES" His eyes widened. "And did you enjoy watching it?" I teased even though I know it might be a little sensitive for him after hearing his tragic story.

"Nah. I already have one of my own. I don't need to see another man's dick protruding out his pants looking like an elephant trunk"

"Elephant trunk?" I burst out laughing. Out of so many references, he just had to use that. "Yes an elephant trunk which is old, aged and lanky. Ugh" he reacted disgustingly.

"Exactly how old are we talking about?"

"69" he smirked.

I returned it with a playful smile. He glance back to the mirror to fix himself. I couldn't help but admire him from a distance letting my thoughts drift off to cloud 9 for a moment.

He's so good looking, alluring, diligent, sexy. Not to be rude but it's no wonder someone would want to sexual abuse him to gain pleasure. I bet his pleading, moans of pain and nudity gave the woman an unimaginable adrenaline rush. Then again, she didn't have to terribly torture him. There were not only lash marks but scratch marks too as though she was clawing and digging her nails deep into his bare skin raising up her level of pleasure. Whoever she is, she sounds eerie. Just thinking about it made me shiver.

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