Line Eleven: Seduction - Trouble

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"I'll choose...."


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Whaaa- Why didn't he choose me?

I managed to maintain my composure, putting on my best I-don't-care face as Taehyung proceeded towards him and rubbed his dick against Eric's pink plump lips. Eric seemed to take this exceptionally well.

In fact, I think he... Likes it.

Oh no you don't. Is he slipping out his tongue? Oh yes he is.

And is Taehyung rubbing it against his tongue? And that son of a gun is circling his tongue around it?

Oh no he didn't. I repeat. No he didn't.

He can lick anyone else's but not on my man's dick.

I took a small pillow on Eric's couch and threw it towards their direction to break the reaction. "Oops sorry" I sarcastically apologized. Taehyung gave me the I-know-you're-jealous look while I simply rolled my eyes at him. Eric on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear. Of course he is, must have been nice huh to taste my man's solid dick. I know I shouldn't let jealousy succumb me since this is all just an act but.. I can't control it. It happens so naturally especially after I slid the ring on him. That's a high level of commitment there.

He. Is. Mine.

He should feel lucky I didn't throw a bitch fit.

Fine yes. I have woman hormones in me. Mix it with man hormones and it can be even worse than a bitch fit. It would be war.

"My turn" similar to Taehyung, I picked the Dirty category too. A dare then appeared on the screen.

Get someone to blindfold you and they get to do as they please

Without hesitation, I chose Eric. Time for payback. Let's see how Taehyung will handle this. I gave him a handkerchief I took out from my pocket, he started to carefully blindfold making sure it isn't too tight nor lose.

It was as though darkness succumbed me. My rigid body stood there waiting for his next instruction. He then said, "Come here, slave boy. You'll love this" he held my hand and motion me someplace else. From what I feel, my back was leaned against the wall. His hands gradually making its way down to my boxers.

Remember I still don't have my pants on?

He then started to give it a light squeeze causing me to whimper a little. If only I could see the look on Taehyung's face. Too bad I'm blindfolded. The squeezing led him to stroke my crotch and I swear I'm slightly turned on by this gesture till the point moans of pleasure started to escape from my mouth.

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