Line Fifteen: Confusion

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After two weeks of confinement, I'm glad to announce that I've fully recovered. Being bed ridden was no joke. If I were to go another week staying in bed all day, I would have been paralyzed. Yeah sure it's nice to be a sloth or a koala and stick to one spot barely moving but no, it is better to be up and about like a cheetah.

It was my last day free before heading back to work tomorrow. Taehyung is aware of it but hey it doesn't hurt to maybe stop by during lunchtime and give him a surprise. My plan for today was to spend time with the twins since I haven't got the chance to do so or even give them a proper thank you lunch for saving us. My gratitude towards them will never change till infinity. If they hadn't saved our asses, things would have been totally different.

Let me clear things up on a couple of things as I make my way to the twins apartment.

Recently, it hit me. The topic about my dad. I haven't been thinking about it for long. No. Years actually. Ever since mum's death, never once did he stumble upon my mind. I respected my mum when she mentioned it's better not knowing anything about my dad. However, the same question kept lingering in my head the moment Tae popped the question about my dad.

What has he done? What is it that mum doesn't want me to know? What does she mean by 'It's better not knowing'?

It's not as though I was a little kid. I was at in adolescence years. I'm mature enough to accept the truth. Whatever it may be. Good or bad. He is my dad and as his son, I've the right to know. Growing up with a dad felt different. When I was little and they have a parent-teacher conference, everyone would bring both their parents whilst I only went with mum. Not that I don't appreciate it, I do of course. Guess it would've been cooler if I were to have dad there as well.

Once there was a 'Bring your Dad to school' day but I couldn't bring mine. So I substituted him with my uncle instead. I felt upset and slightly embarrassed but what was I supposed to do, huh? I was only 11 back then. Everyone showing off how proud they are to have their daddies by their side, some dads even dressed up as their kid's favorite superhero. I find it heartwarming but mum taught me to appreciate what we have and to let go of what we don't. Thus, that's what I did.

I accept the things I've no control of and I took the courage to change the things I can. To have the wisdom to know the difference. You can say I'm a pretty spiritual person. Reason why I hated it when Tae was sexual thirsty in the beginning. I know I am too when I'm joking with him but to be frank, that's all there is to it.

If you were to ask me what are my relationship goals? Sex would definitely be at the bottom of the list. You might think I'm lying but no. First, I admire how strong Taehyung is even after what happened to him before. Sexual abuse is no joke. Worst case scenario, it was someone related. Second, don't you think people treat sex very lightly nowadays? Teen girls losing their virginity. They are so proud, people even created a tv show on MTV called 16 and pregnant. Why not make a reality tv show saying 16 and successful? 16 and beautiful? 16 and a genius?

Tell me I'm wrong. Titles like 16 and pregnant attracted your attention doesn't it? And then you'll go like 'What a whore' '16 and pregnant? Eww' it got your attention only to criticize the person? This is how sick the world has become. Taehyung taught me that in the media world. The title plays a part too. Take this book for example. Naughty. I bet you expect lots of kinky stuff to happen yeah?

Admit it. A good titled intrigues you doesn't it? It piqued your attention especially if it has an interesting cover and a good summary. Yet when you explored the content and you noticed how it's different than the title or it doesn't meet your expectations, you'll stop reading it don't you?

Yes titles can be misleading but let me ask you, do you continue to read or watch something only cause you expect sex to be in it or do you read because you wish to know the deeper depths of the story and what morals it can teach you? They say every story has a moral. Are you in it for that or do you get bored the moment you see the story doesn't meet your expectation? Which arises the next question, if you already read it halfway then why stop? The middle is where every story climaxes. Be it in any genre.

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