Line Eight: Twins

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"Exactly who is who again?"

"That's Danna" the one without the spectacles raised her hand with a I don't give damn expression. "And that's Alana" the nerdy one grinned widely at Taehyung.

Danna and Alana, we used to be colleagues when I was working at a photography studio a couple months ago. We bonded and of course the twins never fail to confuse me every now and then. At times they will pretend to be each other. In the beginning it was hard to differentiate who is who. The only way i could distinguish those two is to see who has their glasses on which is Alana in this case. Even so, they can trade places any time.

As we gradually got closer from colleagues to friends and eventually best friends, they can't fool me no more. Danna is naughty yet she's intellectual. The one with the brains you see. Alana is the nerd yet she's surprisingly sexy in her own way. They used to have long wavy hair before they decided to snip it off which made them look like a dude with their SnapBack on and distinct boyish street style. If you need someone to cross dress, those two perfectly fit the bill. They are turning 18 this year. Cool thing is we share the same birthday month. They are born on September 15th 1998. Well you can say I'm a little proud I'm their elder, wouldn't want to be bullied by two similar faces you can barely differentiate.

I finally fulfill my promise to let them meet their favorite handsome actor, Kim Taehyung. None of them has spoken a word ever since they step foot in his main office. Guess they are starstruck or mindblown seeing how naturally good-looking this men is.

"And they are g-"

"Girls" I cut Taehyung off before he mistook their sexuality. I faced the other two who refused to look at any other direction besides the handsome men right before their eyes. Hey I'm handsome too you know. I mean which British guy isn't, no?

"You're so handsome" Alana blurted. I can't help but to face palm myself. Really, Al? That's the first thing you say to someone you just meet? Then again I don't blame her either. I blame Taehyung for being born perfect.

"Dude" Danna called me. "Sorry but I gotta run. Rain check?"

I knew it. This girl tend to have something on the very last minute. "Yeah sure I'll update you again then" I side hug the both of them and send them off to the elevator before returning back to Tae's office.

"Dude?" Taehyung teased the moment I shut the door. My cheeks flushed because Taehyung has never called me casually. By that I mean comfortably you know. He will either call my name or pet names. But never did he call me dude. Maybe he thinks it's too far fetched and bro-like.

He went to shut the curtains to increase the level of privacy. Ah, did I say he got curtains? Yes he finally did and I feel better as though this is my safe haven.

"You've been awfully quiet ever since they left" he took a few steps forward. "Is this about last night?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "So umm what do you think of the twins?" I avoided his eyes and pretended not to know.

"Don't try to change the subject, love"

Damn. He said that so effortlessly sexy.

"Jungkook?" He took a few more steps closer. Now he's only an arms length away from me. He just stood there staring deep into my eyes waiting for me to speak up. Just by standing there he has worked his magic at me. "Last night was-"

"Ah judging by that scrunchy expression, it's bad huh?"

"No no it was amazing. I just don't understand why you didn't you know.. go all the way"

Let me give you a snippet of what happened behind the scenes. Everything was great. Heavy panting, sweat drenched bodies, moans of pleasure. You know that feeling when you're holding a corndog which is spread with mustard and chill sauce, the next thing you wish to do is to indulge it into your mouth savoring every ounce, every burst of flavor? But unfortunately in my case, he didn't. Even though he already applied lube on his dingdong, he didn't insert in the key hole to unlock it. He let it remained locked so yes, I'm still a virgin thank you very much. I mean I'm glad my treasure chest is still locked cause maybe he wishes to unlock it at the right moment but from the petrified look on his face yesterday, I know he's still traumatized to whatever that wretched Amora has done to him. My poor Taehyung, what horrific has she done to you?

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