Line Six: Amora

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Get away from me!

Please, stop! I said stop!

"Taehyung! Taehyung, wake up!"

The poor young boy was trembling in my chest with his entire body drenched with sweat. "I hate her. So much" he gripped tightly on my arm leaving a mark on it. I was cool with it since I understood why he's reacting this way.

"My stepmother is a whore" he cussed. "A disgusting wretched whore"


I've been staying over at his suite for a couple of days now. He said he didn't want to be alone. This suite is owned under his name. He bought it with his own hard earned money. He's lucky to be blessed with such loyal helpers. From his driver to his bouncer and to his personal assistant. They stick with him through thick and thin regardless of anything that may happen.

The other day he told me the complete story on why his stepmother begin to sexually abuse him. Yes, it was because he needed money. She could provide it so he thought 'Why not? It can be just a one time thing' she backfired that thought and yearn for more seeing how much pleasure she gained from such an alluring young men. He also mentioned that if he didn't agree to it, she would made it seem as though she was assaulted by Taehyung which will of course tarnish his reputation, not only as an actor but a boss and his family name too.

His older sister wasn't of any help at all so is his father. In fact, they supported his stepmother instead, blaming everything on Taehyung by saying he was the one who couldn't control his dick. Taehyung tried to defend himself but to no avail.

It only recently happened a few months back. His dad remarry to a woman from Paris. She was tall, sophisticated dressed up in a tight fitting red maxi dress with a cut at the side showing off her sexy long legs. Her smooth wavy red hair falls nicely down her shoulder, matching perfectly well with her wine colored lipstick. The way she strut with her edgy high heels full of confidence, dominance. She was a woman of power and demeanor. In short, she was a portrait of perfection. Perfect face, body and height. Older man would die to have her by their side although her target was young good-looking men. 

She doesn't want a sirloin steak which is full of fats. She wanted a tenderloin. Fresh solid succulent meat which she can easily dig deep and slice it effortlessly. She wanted it to be mouth watering. To give her that extra juice she needed. That extra oomph.

Her name is Amora. Some called her Lady Amora. Others even called her Mademoiselle because of her youthful look and curvy figure. At first, Taehyung couldn't deny the fact that he thinks his stepmother was gorgeous for someone in her 30s. She's hella hot. The way she would seductively lick the fork after finishing up her meal. Her tongue circling around the fork, nipping it before pulling it out. The way she stared lusciously at someone deep into their eyes. It was arousing for Taehyung. The reason why he didn't mind being her slave in the beginning. Plus he did benefitted from it earning a $500-$1000 cash in an instant after every torture session. The better he performed or should I say, the more obedient he is to his master, the higher the reward.

The first few sessions went fine. All the tricks was simple. She asking him to be a loyal slave to arouse her every single need. Gradually, she started to get sexual toys. At this rate, Taehyung think that maybe he could still be in control since he's the one with the real gun here. Not her. If you get what I mean.

"Jungkook... I think I'm sick"

I placed the back on my hand on his forehead. It was burning hot. That's odd, it escalated so quickly. His personal assistant, Jimin, knocks on the door to present lunch to us on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

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