Line Seven: Confession

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The popular sensual song Lady Marmalade was playing in the background. When the next line came up, Taehyung smirked at me.

Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

"Umm yes?" I look up to face him. "Do you know what that means?" He asked rather playfully.

I shook my head. I ain't French. I don't understand. Taehyung on the other hand is a mixed breed. His father is French while his biological mum is British. Even though he stayed in the UK ever since he was a little boy, he could still understand French since his father will tutor him every now and then. A mixture of French plus British blood, lucky much? Hell yeah. Don't forget irresistible.

"It means..." He paused the song, whispering the answer to my ears which made my heart skip a beat.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

He resumed the song, returning back to his jovial self. It's either he is getting very good at catching me off guard or I'm getting very bad at controlling my hormones. This young men over here is making me confused over my sexuality. No wonder he keeps asking me whether I am bisexual. But then again, is the sole reason for him continuously asking me that is because... He likes me?

Nah. Maybe in your dreams, yes.

Made the savage beast inside roar until he cried




Okay that's it. I snatched the controller away from him and stop the player. "Now come on, the song was getting to its climax"

Beast? Cried? More? Climax?

Okay Jungkook, you have to get a grip.

Taehyung noticed how much I was fidgeting trying to use Button as a distraction. "I think you've look over that picture for the tenth time already. Is something bothering you?"

I kept quiet. There is something bothering me. The answer lies right before my eyes. It's only close to two months. It's unlikely of me to develop feelings for another this quick. I know myself well. Maybe all I need now is time away from him. To get back to my own apartment and stop staying over at his. If this unknown feeling I'm experiencing right now still lingers during our time apart, then yes it's real alright. And maybe he might be the first to trigger such a foreign feeling in my heart.

"I think I should go"

"Wait" he held my hand, gently pulling it down. "Does this has got anything to do with my stepmom? If yes, then I'm really sorry for whatever happened that day"

"No no it has nothing to do with her. I figured it'll be best for me to return to my own place"

I noticed a slight frown forming on his lips. Being the understanding gentlemen he is, all he did was lovingly looked at me in the eye and asked, "Is that what you want?"


My thoughts went array. I truly didn't understand what is this feeling I have in me right now. Maybe cause I never fell in love before. Well yeah I did set my eyes on a couple of girls when I was in high school but that was all it is you know. A crush. Something I don't place an importance on.

But this guy before me made me feel so many unimaginable things. It's like you're eating a gum full of various flavors and as it burst into your mouth, you get to taste all sorts. Sweet, sour, even spicy. That is what he's cooking in my heart. So delightful yet unappetizing at the same time.

I never love someone wholeheartedly besides my mum because I understood why. I understood why every child should love their mum without questioning why. It's because.. Mothers, they went through hardship getting us through labor. Carrying us for nine months, tolerating our tiny baby kicks once in awhile, satisfying our 'cravings' at the most ungodly hour. At times, they will suffer backache or pain because of us. Being pregnant is already hard yet mothers persevere to unconditionally love us throughout their lifetime.

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