Line Thirteen: Recovery

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"Thank you, Doctor Max. I'll take good care of him"

Taehyung showed Doctor Max to the door, waving goodbye to the older lad with a pleasant smile plastered on his face. What would he do without his family doctor who has never fail to be so generously kind to him. He doesn't even require a consultation fee from Taehyung when the young lad is obviously more than capable to pay for it. Doctor max was a dependable man and Taehyung couldn't be more grateful.

"Hey my bunny boo boo" he sat at the edge of the bed, one hand placed on my thigh. "Doc Max said you're recovering well. Just a couple more days rest and you're able to hop out of bed and bounce around" he twitched his nose with a cat like smile curving out from his scrumdiddlyumptious lips. He patted my head before proceeding down to prepare a meal for me.

Taehyung has been such a sweetheart. He took an entire week off from work. His secretary is the one managing his schedule even though he's away. He has loads of work piled up but yet he insisted to stay home to look after me till I'm fully capable to manage myself. Taehyung has not only been my wonderful soulmate but also, my doctor; caretaker; chef; waiter; therapist. Basically everything else needed to make me feel better.

There's one time he cooked a sunny side up wrap for breakfast. He elevated the simple meal to look like restaurant quality. From the way he set the plate to the way he served it. I felt as though I was receiving room service every single morning, afternoon and evening. I mean... Who would do that?

He's such a high calibre man blessed with a kind hearted soul. I couldn't find a better combination than that. I'm glad I slid the ring down his finger. He's worth it.

I felt buoyant to know that I'm making good progress in recovering. It has been almost a week ever since that horrible incident over at Eric's. Taehyung told me he's behind bars and no one knew who reported it to the authorities except for us, the twins, Tae's helpers and Eric himself. Our identities are kept secret since Taehyung is a well-known idol, it would spoil his image if a news like this were to spread to the audience of the public. In addition, the reputation of The Empreus would drastically drop. Yes we may be the victims but we did try to play with fire in the beginning.

You know what they say: Never mess around with the big bad wolf

Therefore, it's best to keep our true identities a secret. Imagine the people of the public found out we played a sexual truth or dare while rubbing a dick on someone else's lip and receiving a mindblown blowjob from the criminal himself. That's just... Sick.

Taehyung went back in the room with a sour face. "Hey what's wrong?"

"Can I don't cook today?" He pouted. "I see no problem in that. You've been so helpful" I scooted closer to lemon face boy, giving his cheeks a light squeeze causing him to grin.

"Butttttt..." He crawled closer and closer. "I ordered pizza! We can have a heart to heart talk over pizza. Sounds good?"

"Lovely" I smiled. My head leaned forward to attack his scrumdiddlyumptious lips.

Yes. Scrumdiddlyumptious.

Remember in the earlier chapters I mentioned how I have names for basically everything? That's the name of Taehyung's lips. Scrumdiddlyumptious. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

There was another word I wanted to name it which was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but it was too complicated and my tongue gets twisted each time I pronounce it. I'll pronounce it perfectly in the beginning but it turned gibberish after awhile so it'll turned out like this: Supercalifragilisticvajsjsjsbdsh. I envy how Mary Poppins pronounced it effortlessly. She can even sing it fluently. Guess she has a flexible tongue.

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