Part 6

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Sobs ripped through my body as we carried Jeremy into the hospital like he was a doll. His body fell limp, and his mouth hung open.

"He'll be alright, Ember," Neil assured me, his eyes sad and swimming with concern. I choked on a sob. Bella's hand touched my shoulder. She had come with us, mostly due to her concern for me above her concern for Jeremy.

"We'll be here for you, sweetie. Jeremy will be okay, I promise," she spoke gently, her voice as soft as a feather.

I made no reply as we handed him over to his private doctor. He was mine, too, as well as the boys', and I loved him so much. He was kind and tranquil, and he had the coolest name known to man - Doctor Bostwick.

He had never given me any reason not to trust him, but I couldn't help but cry more as Jeremy was taken away. Bella and Neil chatted away, obviously now aware that their dumb talk-to-Ember-like-she's-a-three-year-old tactic wasn't working at all.

Minutes moved into hours as we waited. I paced non-stop, my footsteps echoing down the corridor.

"Why don't you go and get a coffee, Em?" Neil suggested. "I'll come get you straight away if Jeremy's available to see or any news comes through. It's been almost three hours, you must be thirsty."

Sighing, I made my way to the café and ordered a strong coffee, sitting at a table alone and stirring sugar into my drink. My other hand cupped my chin, my elbow propped up against the marble table. I took slow sips, my eyes heavy. I knew that circles would be shadowing my eyes. I gazed down into my coffee, thinking. What would I do if I never saw Jeremy again? My heart pounded at the thought.

I shook my terrible thoughts away and pulled my phone from out of my pocket, scrolling down to 'Kellin' and punching the call button.

He picked up after four rings. "Hey, Ember..." My brother yawned. "It's late. What's up?"

I glanced up at the clock. 2:38. I sighed. "Jeremy's in hospital."

"W-what?" Kellin suddenly sounded wide awake. "Why? What happened?!"

"Him and Zack got into a fight over me because Zack saw us together. He likes me and I hadn't told him I was with Jeremy yet, so he freaked out and started punching Jeremy."

"Oh my he still in there? Did he faint?"

"He's been in there for about 3 hours. He wasn't breathing."

"Aww, man...listen, stay strong, okay? I can't come meet you, because Vic's here and I don't wanna wake him, but my thoughts are with you."

My humour suddenly sparked up out of the blue and I smirked. "Oh? Why would Vic be there?"

I heard a nervous gulp. "N-no important reason. I'll explain when I next see you."

"Alright." My humour dissipated. "I'll text you if I hear anything."

"Okay. Keep your hopes up, okay? I love you, baby Quinn."

I couldn't help but grin. My nickname always made me happy. "I love you too, big Quinn."

With that, I hung up and downed the rest of my coffee. Bella and Neil looked startled at my small smile, but Neil then smiled a little.

"You talked to Kellin, didn't you?" He tutted. "He never fails to make you smile."

"Yeah, I did. And you're right," I smiled more. "I'm so lucky to have such an amazing brother. I don't know what I'd do without him."

Almost on cue to my return, Doctor Bostwick stepped out of the double doors with a sweet smile. "He's ready for you to see him now."

Sighing with relief, I made my way in. The Doctor walked beside me.

"His heart stopped for a very brief moment. Don't be scared, though, he's perfectly fine. We stitched his wounds up and he'll live. We just want to keep him in overnight," he explained calmly.

"Thank you so much," I breathed. He just smiled and ushered me over to Jeremy.

It broke my heart to see him in such a state. His head was weighed down with both shame and sadness, and I could tell that his eyes were filled with tears. When he heard me coming, though, his head snapped up and his eyes glistened with happiness, the tears drying up. I practically ran the rest of the length and took his hand, kissing him gently but with passion.

"Hey, big man," I whispered, nuzzling against his lips. He smiled brightly.

"Hey, beautiful. Bet I look a mess," he grumbled. I chuckled. He obviously felt better if he was worrying about his looks.

"Your beard's still there," I smirked.

Jeremy smirked also and lifted my hand to his lips. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"I thought I would lose you..." I shuddered.

"Hey...I'll never leave you," he promised, his tone genuine and loving. I nuzzled against him again.

"I hope not..."


The pair of us looked up as Alex, Kevin and Josh ran in, Bella and Neil beside them.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" Josh exclaimed.

"I'm the frontman. Nothing bad happens to the front man. Especially when he's as sexy as me," My boyfriend chided, winking.

"I can see someone's made a recovery," Kevin laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah. That's Jeremy, alright," Alex chuckled. Bella smiled at them all.

"I'm so happy everything turned out okay," she told us. I only smiled more.

"You told me he'd be fine and he was," I giggled. She smiled sweetly.

"Right, we should probably let the poor guy get some rest," Neil sighed, yet his face was still turned up in a cheery grin.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed. "See you tomorrow, beautiful." I pressed my lips against his again briefly then pulled away.

Jeremy nodded, his smile fading slightly as I walked away. As I reached the door, he called after me. "I love you, Ember."

Glancing back, I smiled wider than before. "I love you too, Jeremy."

My boyfriend's face lit up once more and I stepped out, making my way home with Neil.

"Will you be okay on your own?" He inquired. I nodded and got out.

"Thanks, Westie," I said, kissing his cheek through the open window, then made my way inside. Once I was prepared for bed, I dived in the covers and curled up, tears down my face. Today had been hard.

I then wiped my tears away in a flourish. Jeremy was fine, and he would continue to be. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I could spend my time with one of the people I loved most in the world.


I believe that this is one of the only chapters that doesn't end on a cliffhanger xD oh well. Please leave comments, they're appreciated! <3

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