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#1 GUYS ARE NOT MIND READERS!!! (Meaning what you want, need or want to feel) THEY DON'T KNOW UNLESS YOU TELL THEM.

#2 Don't talk to much, but remember #1 is key.

#3 Eat food. (Yes you might think about what your eating at the time like "eeww I don't want to make a mess or I might crash my diet) BAD MISTAKE. A guy likes a healthy woman on his hands. If he thinks any different. HE'S NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!!!!!

#4 A man that puts his hands on you for any reason is a BIG RED FLAG. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! I REPEAT. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Don't think YOU can change him. He has issues that need to be resolved with professional help. STAY AWAY!!!!!

#5 Always be yourself. Guys can't stand fake chicks. If they are pursuing you. Its for a reason. Get involved with what they like. Sports, Cars or video games.

#6 Take the lead if you want more. Refer back to #1 if not getting what you want.

#7 Tell him he is Good looking, Ripped, Fine, Hot, Big, Tall, Smart, or Good in bed. We as women want it. Well so do men too, but just in different ways.   Never!!! call a guy Cute, Beautiful, Adorable, Little or Just OK. They have big egos, lets not let them down.

#8 Never talk about past relationships. AVOID IT ALL COST. They will ask too! Give them as little as you can to pass the subject. Men want to know, but they don't want to know at the same time. YES its confusing, but trust me, just try to by pass the conversation some how. Or just tell him it has nothing to do with you guys and we don't want to hear about his do we?

#9 Love him with all your heart before committing yourself fully to one man.

#10 Do not have sex before marriage.


#1 Treat her like she is the most best thing you have found on earth.

#2 Romance her. For ones that don't understand. Be poetic, give flowers and chocolate, say something sweet in front of a crowd of people about her, take her someplace nice, know a special day she might want you to remember. GET IT? Uugg Guys. I could go on with romance. I'll stop with that. I know its hard guys, but really. We want it!!!! Please PM me if you need more ideas.

#3 Know her body. What makes her moan the most when you touch, kiss, suck a certain part. You don't need her to tell you at this point. Her emotions will cue you in. Explore. Use all hands, lips and body to explore IF SHE ALLOWS IT.

#4 Do NOT have sex with a girl if you are not fully committed. Save sex for marriage. You are just asking for trouble.  A girl you really want one day may just ditch you if you had to many partners or have an STD.  Yikes Man.

#5 Stay clear to anything she does not like. A women tells you to stop, I don't like it, not now, I'm not ready, maybe another time. THIS IS CODE AS TO THE WORD NO!!!!!!!!!!! You are now a rapist if you go any further. Stop and take her home


WOMEN- first take your need to have ice cream and good love movie and cry your eyes out. Then when you get all your tears out call your girlfriend. Tell her everything! This helps with the stress of everything that you are going through. She might want to take you out to forget about him, but its not the best thing to do. He might just need time to think or you might need time to think about what went wrong. Not a good time to go out right away! bad mistake! Let your girlfriends know you need time to cope. It should take about a week or two. If it is a DEF two week period that you have not have any communication with him, then you are cool to adventure out to talk to other people for a different relationship and hang with your girlfriend to get you back into the scene of things. Find your Prince Charming stuck in that tree singing about you. Fucking Disney Movies!!! All the men are looking in the wrong places I swear!!! Now we have to find them...uuurrrggg

MEN- Women are complicated. If you just talk to another female in their presence of them they might get psycho. You need to always assure to them that they are your world. You are allowed to talk to other females though because you are human and are allowed a relationship with friends. Your women should respect that. Otherwise reconsider this person, she could become even more psycho later in life if she can't understand that. She should be a woman that is confident to be with you. You get broken up with and don't know why. ASK WHY!!! The women your with will not tell you. Yes for some reason women think that you can read there minds. Just ask them. Ask them why we can't be together no more. Ask them if you can help the situation. Just keeping asking WHY. Otherwise if you know its over. Well its over and forget it, but its not the end. There are other women to pursue right? You are the man right? Get a different one.

Fun things to do besides having sex

*Go out on a date

*Make each other laugh

*Play a game

*Watch a movie and veg out


*Go for walk



Warning!!!!!  The following can lead to sex. Use extreme caution doing these with each other

*Kiss or Make out

*Dry Hump (Meaning to grind on each other with clothes on until climaxing)

*Massage each other's bodies

*Sexting or Phone sex each other ( Sexting is illegal if you are under the age of 18)

*Masturbate each other until climaxing (Wash hands immediately afterwards)

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