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Ok, so this is a chapter everyone wanted since this book got started.

This is the most difficult chapter I have ever written in this book.

Why KrJohnson? You ask.

Because I have to disappoint everyone with all different body shapes and types out there and their eating habits, to try to help them in the long run to stay healthy while we indulge in our much needed food cravings.

Lets start out describing 5 different types of people. If you feel you are not in any of these categories. Just PM me for a better description of how you are when it comes to food.


#1 You can eat what ever you want and never gain weight.

Your unique and of course AWESOME, you can eat whatever and never gain a pound because it. You are either a kid with a growing body or have a high metabolism. Or it could be worse and have a tape worm or a type of cancer. Make sure to seek a doctor to rule out the bad.

Well I'm going to let you know a little secret, it doesn't matter what your weight is. YOU ARE STILL KILLING YOURSELFS by just the foods you consume. We will adventure this later.

#2 Eat just one potato and you gained 20 pounds in one night. I feel for you woman. But there are measures you can take to create balance. We will talk about that later.

#3 You can't stop eating, either because stress of life or behaviors your used to as a child. This is usually cured by therapy. But there are other ideas as well. We will talk about that later.

#4 You love to eat, but you try every diet in the google library or worse resort to throwing up your food, before it it hits your digestive track. Also called Bulimic. Its ok to eat. Remember your body needs food to stay healthy. You just need to know what to eat. So stay tuned.

#5 I don't know how us as women can go with out food. But a lot of us have resulted to this, to either become models, olympians, or maybe to make some guy like you. These included one who excessively exercises and never eats. Or barley eats anything. This is the most dangerous in my book and has lead to so many deaths!!!! It is called Anorexia.

We need food to live.

God gave us a land to live on and survive. Whether by ground, water or land. We have so many choices. We are the King of the circle of life. Now we do have choices.

Some like ground. Veggies and fruits.

Some like water. Fish or shark.

Some like meat. Cow or deer.

We are human and are meant to eat to survive.

We we born to live off this planet.

Its SAD that we have destroyed this planet by chemicals and hormones we put in are foods nowadays.

I kinda wonder sometimes, how animals still roam and plants still survive. We have really messed it up. I feel like sometimes I'm living in the Movie Wall-E.

Now its up to us to be smart about what we put in our bodies, while we still live here before it becomes a world of trash.

So this is the start of the chapter. Please do not judge somebody by their appearance. Get to know their struggles or their love for food and befriend them. They may need you or a friendship just to get healthier.

Lets start off on basic Food Genetics. Ok sorry, but I'm religious. I believe God gave us this land to live off on and he shows these signs in foods. He is just that great. Thank you Lord.

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