Managing School Life

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We all have to go through it in order to learn. Without knowledge or experiences it could cause Idiototis. A Disease you do not want to get. Trust me.

OK joking aside. Here are some tips for getting through the dreaded homework and extra circular activities for the place you call Hell. And still enjoy your wonder years in the mean time.

#1. Eat healthy meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables- Basically stay away from fast food, soda, and junk. These foods make can leave you drowsy or cause headaches. Not good for a brain that needs to soak in information.

#2 Exercise regularly-  I'm not saying to become an Olympian or workout everyday. This means to have some sort of exercise somewhere. Whether its from sports or just walking home is enough for the day. Exercise creates edophines to spark natural pain and stress fighters. Which you need when cramming a bunch of homework in your head in one night.

#3 Get good amounts of rest and sleep- This is my all time favorite thing to do. A good 8 hours of sleep is great to restart your body for more work. Also a little nap here and there works wonders for some. Remember everyone is different. Naps could backfire. So see what works for you. try out with a 30 minute nap. If it didn't work, try a hour one instead. If napping doesn't help. Then Don't Do It.

Short breaks between working can help you switch off. But longer breaks are important too. How about taking the weekend off to relax? Make time for fun and for yourself even if this means that you have to schedule time away from your school work. You'll hopefully come back to your work feeling fresh.

#4 Avoid caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and drugs- This is a no brainier. Literally. These cause chemical imbalances to the brain, which could cause stress and lack of retaining information.

Stay away at all cost. Your probably like Kr NOOO!!! I need my caffeine to stay awake. No! go back to #3 to jump start your body again. If your tired, there is a reason for it. Like a cell phone, your brain is probably on 2% battery and needs to be recharged. Learn relaxation techniques (such as: deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation) instead of drugs.

P.S. If you are taking any medication, this could includes birth control or just basic over the counter Tylenol. These are all considered DRUGS. So please speak to your doctor to find ways to cope with learning and homework under these certain drugs. I am not a doctor.

Here is a great example of Meditation-

Close your eyes. "See" in your mind's eye a beautiful beach. The sun is shining warmly, the breeze coming from the ocean is soft and warm, palm trees are overhead and a few seagulls circle about. Imagine walking barefoot in the warm sand, feel your feet sink in the sand with each step. Walk toward the water's edge and let the water roll over your feet. Jump in the water; it is warm, gentle and very refreshing. Come out of the water and walk to your big beach towel, lay down and relax. Rest for a while in all the peace and beauty surrounding you. Imagine how it looks, how it sounds, how it smells. Breathe in deeply the warm ocean air, stay as long as you like. When you are ready to leave, go to the edge of the water and throw in anything that has been bothering you, anything you wish to be rid of in your life, anything you are feeling sad or angry about, anything you worry about (e.g. problems at home, violence in your neighborhood, bullies, death of a loved one, issues with friends). Picture it as a big rock, a chain, a heavy bag over your shoulders, or any image that helps you see it as undesirable. Throw it in the ocean as far as you can. Watch it sink and get taken by the waves. When the "visit" is done, be thankful for the release of the burden, the problem, the worry; then walk peacefully back through the warm sand and take a rest on your beach towel.

#5 Decrease negative self talk- (for example: transform "My grades will never get any better." to "I may not be doing to well now, but my grades can improve if I get extra help and I do all my homework."

Also try staying away from anyone that is negative. Negativity in any form causes depression and lack of self. Try finding a homework buddy or a learning center you can get help with difficult assignments. Try to see the positive side of things no matter what the situation.

#6 Maintain daily routine and schedule- This is critical to a balance life in general. If extra curriculum activities get in the way of learning or not getting your much needed rest, you may want to reconsider and try next semester or next school year to try out for these. If a teacher has set something really big or to much to handle that messes up your schedule. You need to talk to the teacher and your parents to help minimize the work load. Maybe ask for a longer due date or have help with it by teaming up with someone. Trust me they will help you. You just need to let them know your struggles.

#7 Make time for you- I know its hard, but you need it. Whether its 15 minutes out of your day. Make time for things you enjoy (for example: art, listening to music, being outdoors, dancing, writing poetry, reading, etc.) This helps your moral. Makes you a happier person, during these hard times of studying.

#8 Be Organized- A clean, quite and well lit desk to work at and a organized backpack to find things easily always helps. If there are unused papers or clutter, get rid of it. Get a calender to see every day and jot things needed to remind yourself of important deadlines. Use your calender in your phone also to beep at you if not at home.

#9 Set Realistic Goals- Its great you have goals, but having to many or ones you just can not accomplish right at the moment could be to overwhelming and could harm your priorities and could cause stress. Remember Stress kills. So set ones that you can do at the moment and go for it.

#10 Smile- Having a good sense of humor or even being around people that smile and laugh, can reduce or even eliminate stress. Laughter really is the best medicine. Remember to always smile even if there is nothing to smile about. Having a pet sometimes helps to smile too, if your not comfortable to smile around people. Its another form of relaxation and stress reducer to pet a dog or cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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