Crushes and The All Dreaded Friend Zone

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Ok so I have came across some of you that are needing to know how to opproach a crush, or have before and they tell you a friend zone speech. Or maybe you have had a long time friendship with someone that is like a sibling you grew up with, but now you have feelings for this person.

What to do?

Well heres some advise

You have a crush: Lets start by saying a crush is a crush for a reason.

It can crush you.

Be prepared, it may hurt.

1. They are way out of your league. (Popularity, Someone famous, or it could be as simple as different personalites or interest) But for some reason you still have a crush.

2. They have a girlfriend/boyfriend all ready and that would be just messed up to intervene.

3. You are in the Dreaded Friend Zone with them and don't want to mess that relationship up, because its a great time you do get to spend with them.

4. Last one, is the very worst one is Looks. If you like someone soley on looks, your in for a rude awaking later on in life finding the right person for yourself.

Good tips to follow finding your special someone.

1. Never look. God has plans for you. Take care of yourself, enjoy life and be happy. Be happy for others that are happy as well. If your crush or friend is happy with someone, wouldn't you want to be happy for their happiness?

2. Friend Zone is annoying yes, but always remember your true love becomes your friend first before anything else. So this is actually a benefit. Embrace it. You guys can grow together as great friends in the future or it could lead to other things later on in life. You never know. Refer to #1 again.

3. Be yourself and Never change yourself for anyone.

4. Be humble and kind. If you do to others wrong, you might just get a little carma later on your way. Be a nice person at all times and refer back to #1.

Questions and Anwsers

If you have any pm me. I have had a few crushes in my life time and lots of friend zone issues. I have been in your shoes. If you want to talk I'm here for ya :)

Question: How do you know if your crush likes you?

Answer: You don't know unless you ask. You'll never know if you don't ask. Whats the worst they will say? If they are a good friend they will tell you the truth about their feelings. It means alot to people when one can be straight forward with ones feelings towards the other. Its funny how we as humans are quick to yell at our enemies but turn around and cant talk to someone we have feelings for? Wierd. Anyway the answer is always ASK. You will never know unless you ask.

If your to afraid to ask, then do the following, but remember this might lead to them not respecting as you much. It does work with some though.

#1 Ask your friend to ask for you

#2 Befriend their friends and ask them.

#3 Text message them the question using some one elses phone

Question: So today we were kinda texting and then I asked, what she thought of what I said to her that Wednesday, that was like 2 weeks ago.. No reply...I feel like I'm annoying her too. I feel a lot of things. I feel a little mad, sad, confused, stressed, anxious, CURIOUS—I feel like shit! Worst of all, I feel humiliated. But maybe I'm overreacting.

Answer: You are over reacting. Just chill and wait for a reply. She's probably busy. Or maybe her service got turned off till the bill is paid. Or worse there could be a death in the family. Usually people that don't want to talk no more will give you a reason why.

If it has been over two days though. I'd text back and be like " You OK?" You get my last text?"

Just chill. If this is causing you stress, then its not worth your time. Just have fun talking. You have so many more girls out there to talk to next year. In the mean time interact more with your other friends, or do something to take your mind off this person. I do give you props for actually talking to some one you have a crush on. Not many people can do that.

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