Favorite Movies

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Ok, so I am here to talk about my all time favorite movies because a fellow Wattpadder had some trouble thinking of a good movie to watch. Like music I have lots of Favorites and plan to share with you what to watch and with who. So enjoy and go out and rent these amazing flicks. Or nowadays you can just click on Netflix and watch them there...LOL... If you have your own please fill free to share and comment yourself. Thanks.

Tear Jerkers



Free Willy


My Girl

The Green Mile


Forrest Gump

I Am Sam


Fault In Our Stars

If I Stay

Good one to watch with your girlfriends-


Cry Baby

Steel Magnolias

Sixteen Candles

Dirty Dancing

Thelma & Louise

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants


The Duff

Pitch Perfect

Magic Mike

Knocked Up

This is 40

The Other Women

Great Couple Movies-

When Harry Met Sally

Pretty Women

Forrest Gump

Natural Born Killers

10 Things I hate About You

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Along Came Polly

Knight and Day

Friends with Benefits


What Happens In Vegas

Just Married

LMAO Comedy movies-



Ace Ventura Pet Detective

Tommy Boy

Old School

Liar Liar

Happy Gilmore

Billy Madison

All Vacation movies

All Hangovers

All Twenty One Jump Streets

Talladega Nights

White Chicks

All Scary Movies

All Ride Alongs

Super Bad

Office Space

The Change Up

Action Packed-

All Die Hards

All Rambos

All Terminaters

All Expendables

All Death Races

All Fast and Furious

Anything Marvel, X-man, and Mortal Kombat

Independence Day



Gone in 60 Seconds


GI Joe




True Stories and Documentaries-

Life Of Jesus Christ or The Passion of Jesus Christ

Gods Not Dead

Super Size Me

Fed Up

Food, Inc.

Any Documentary of the Holocaust (There are alot I have seen)


Pearl Harbor

Saved the best for last, my all time Favorite Genre of Movie goes to

Horror Movies-

All Freddy

All Jasons

All Puppet Masters

All Wish Masters

All Aliens

All Preditors

All Saws

All Hannibal Lecters

All Underworlds

All Final Destinations

All Screams

All Cabin Fevers

All Psychos

All Texas Chainsaw Massacres

All Hills Have Eyes

All Wrong Turns

All Paranormal Activities

Both Blair Witches

The Original 1973 Exorcist

Anything Stephen King Wrote or Directed

28 Days Later

Dawn Of The Dead



The Cabin In The Woods

Body Snatchers

Wow, I could go off on the Horror genre. I'll just quit now. If I have missed something you want me to see, just comment. But these are what I recommend.

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