Chapter 4: Car Ride

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Hazel POV italics are her thoughts
Well, this was awkward. Ugh, why did Nico have to get Frank to drive her home? She was twisting her ring the entire time they were walking to the car. On the way, Frank's phone buzzed three more times. I wonder if it's his girlfriend. Good lord, Hazel, stop, he's in like 10th grade, she thought.
" old are you?" Frank asked. "Oh, um, 13." Hazel, don't stutter.
"How'd you meet Nico?" Hazel asked. "We,uh, met through Percy. He, umm, introduced us a while back." "Oh."
"So you and Nico are half-siblings?" he asked.
"Yeah, we have the same dad. We don't see him often. We live with my mum."
"I have a half sister. Clarrise." His phone buzzed again. He huffed. That was cute. "She's who keeps texting me." He typed out a message. Over his shoulder, she read,
bro I'm on my way. I'm dropping a friend off at her house
A friend. She was his friend! She smiled slightly. They arrived at the car. A blue Prius. They got in and Frank started up the engine.
They continued talking about their siblings, Frank complaining about how Clarrise beat him up whenever, and Hazel complaining about how Nico treated her like she was three sometimes. Frank told her she did a good job taking care of the James at lunch. She blushed and thanked him.
They arrived at Hazel's house and he parked. "Thanks, Frank," she said. "It's no problem." She smiled and leaned over a pecked his cheek. Hazel opened the door, and crossed the yard to her front door. When she turned around to close it, Frank was staring at her with wide eyes. She grinned and he gave her a cute little grin. She shut the door, and listened as the car drove away.
Hopefully Clarrise doesn't beat him up because he was late.
Welp here ya go
I'll do Frank's POV for the car ride next.
Lots of love,

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