Chapter 7: The Next Morning

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Frank POV bold are his thoughts
Frank glanced at Hazel. God, she is so cute. God, Frank stoppit. He slid out his paints and stared at his blank paper. The room was already loud, and the kid who he didn't know at his table had pushed his chair to another table. He glanced at Hazel again. She was already busy, brushing colors onto paper, her eyebrows knit together.
He pressed his hand to his forehead. Maybe...ugh, screw it. "Hazel," he said across the table. She didn't respond. "Hazel," he said louder. She jumped. "Yeah," she looked frightened. "What do you think I should do?" He gestured to his blank paper. She pressed her lips together, then said "A seaside cliff."
He smiled and got to work.
"Frank!" Frank turned around to see Hazel running towards him, carrying her art supplies and pushing her golden curls out of her face. "Hi..." He breathed when she reached him. She stared at him for a few seconds. "Uh–did the cliff?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah!" He quickly pulled the watercolor painting out of his folder. Hazel's mouth formed into a grin and she proudly said,"I love it." Frank's face turned pink and he asked,"What did you do?"
She produced a painting of a diamond. "Wow. That'" Frank was surprised. She was so quiet and shy, but she had mad skills. "So, what's your next class?" he asked.
"Uh...was it...math? Yeah...yeah." Frank laughed. "Science," he said. They walked side by side in silence until they reached the main building. "I'll...see you later," Hazel said, edging her way to the stair. "Yeah, bye," he said. She smiled at him and quickly ran up the steps, skipping one with each step.
He smiled back, even though she couldn't see him.

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