Stone Heart

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*( Y/N )'s P.O.V*

"Again Adrien?"~  you  

"You know I have to save the city, I can't hang out with you forever you know."~ Adrien  

"We-"~ you  

"Stop ( y/n ), I don't want to hear your excuse this time."~  Adrien  

I shut up now,because what's the point in arguing  right now. He runs behind a tree and transforms into Chat/Cat Noir. I knew about this when he first said I was his 'best friend'. Yet, I don't think we are, he leaves me every time, sometimes when there's no crime! Supposedly, there's a villain  right now, I don't believe him anymore.

"When are you going to understand?!?!"~ you  

Water starts to form in my eyes.

"Understand  what ( y/n )? That you're a brat?!?!"~  Chat Noir  

I can't hold it any longer. Tears start streaming down my face.

"No! You don't understand that I want us to hang out for a day, that we could have fun and forget about trouble..... most of all, you don't understand  I love you!"~  you  

"I have no time right now to deal with this, Ladybug  and the city needs my help."~ Chat  Noir  

He leaves, running and jumping.

"I hate you!"~  you 

I was so furious, I just yelled it out. I didn't really mean it. Who am I kidding, he doesn't care anyways......he changed from  caring Adrien  to not caring  Adrien. I start walking home, not caring about the surroundings  around me.

*Chat Noir ' s P.O.V*

Ladybug  and I were against this villain called Stone-nica. She's turning people into statues and building a stone city.

"Soon, Paris will be all mine and no one can stop me!"~ Stone-nica

"Oh yeah?!?!"~ Ladybug  

"Well, if it isn't Ladybug, where's Chat  Noir?"~  Stone-nica  

"I'm right here!"~  Chat  Noir  

"Oh well, I love to stay and chit chat, but I need human statues to complete  my city, Au Revoir."~ Stone-nica  

She flew away.

"Chat Noir, we need to go after her before she stones a lot of people!"~  Ladybug 

We started running  the direction  she went.

*( Y/N )'s P.O.V *

I was still walking home. I lived far away from the school. When I was almost past the school, I heard screaming and saw people running. 

"Why are all of you screaming? Afraid to be stone?"~  Stone-nica 

I know I shouldn't mess with her, so I run behind a tree.

Ladybug  and Jerk Noir come running. Ladybug  has something  in her hand I don't know what it is. She jumped off a building and used her yo-yo to swing to the ground softly. The stone girl was about to shoot a woman and Ladybug  moved her hand with her yo-yo. She stoned a car. She tries again with another person running, this time, the jerk used his pole to move her hand. 

"That's it I had to much of my plans ruined! You will pay!"~ Stone-nica  

She pointing to them, and she had a huge beam of white white light in her hands, they're not going to make it. When she was about to shoot, I run over to them as quickly as I can.

"Noooooooo!"~ you  

The last thing I felt before turning into  stone, was a burning sensation  in my heart which hurt. And then, everything was black.

*Chat  Noir ' s P.O.V *  

Ladybug  and I were ready to jump out of the way,but from the looks of it, we're not going to dodge it well. We were ready, she was about blast.

"Noooooooo! "~ you  

'( y/n )?'

I was late, she had blasted, but a ( favorite  color ) bubble was surrounding  us  from the blast. When I look at ( y/n ), she's turned  into stone.

"Nooooo!"~ Chat  Noir  

I touched her stone cheeks, they were cold. She was turned into stone.

"( y/n )?"~ Chat  Noir  

Her heart was glowing ( favorite  color ), she had protected me and Ladybug.

"Oh, look what happened  here, looks like she saved both of you. Well, I didn't know she knew you both. My job here is done. Bye bye!"~  Stone-nica  

"Lucky Charm!"~ Ladybug 

I didn't care about them, ( y/n ) was turned into stone.....she might be gone forever.....and the last thing she told me was........she loved me. I ignored her, I completely  ignored her. She was being honest, and I wasn't. The truth was..... I love her too, but she's stone now.

"Miraculous  Ladybug!"~ Ladybug  

I felt a breeze, Ladybug ' s magic passed...... ( y/n ) was still stone. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, is everything  okay?"~  Ladybug  

"No....everything is not okay......she doesn't turn back to normal."~ Chat  Noir  

I began crying, Ladybug  putting her hand on my shoulder. I shove it off.

"It was my fault.....*sob* if only I could've told her.....that I loved her."~ Chat  Noir  

*( Y/N )'s P.O.V*

I was in a pitch  black place, it was scary. Then I see a light, my heart isn't cold anymore, it's warm. The light starts dragging me in.

'I loved her'

I heard those words and my vision came back. Adrien, I mean Chat  Noir  was crying on the floor. Ladybug  was behind him, head down.

"What's wrong?"~ you  

"You're gone."~ Chat  Noir  

"*gasp*Chat  Noir!"~ Ladybug  

He looked up at me, I smiled warmly  at him. What happened next I didn't expect. He hugged me! He hasn't hugged since 3rd grade!

"( y/n )! You're back!"~ Chat  Noir  

I hugged him back. Ladybug  had run away. He pulled away still crying.

"I-I thought I had lost you! you!"~ Chat  Noir  

Then we kissed! I started crying  too, and I broke apart first. 

"I love you too, Chat  Noir."~ you  

"Don't ever do that again."~ Chat  Noir  

"I promise I won't ."~ you  

And with that, we kissed. We broke apart and hugged, paparazzi  taking photos.

'Omg! Is Chat  Noir  dating her?!! Is she the lucky feline?!? Is he single or nah?!?'

Those questions  were never to be answered.

********Sorry I haven't been active, I have tests, report cards, and teachers to deal with. Sorry ^.^'*******

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