Promise ( 2 )

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* Adrien's P.O.V *

It's been already a full year since ( y/n ) passed away. I couldn't forgive myself for what have I done. Today was the day she officially died. Why? Why did she have to die? Why? Because of me. Because I broke our promise.

*Flashback *

'Hey Adrien.'~ you

'What's up, ( y/n )?'~ Adrien

'Um, can you meet me at the park on Saturday at eight in the night?'~ you

'Sure, but why so late?'~ Adrien

'It's something secret I need to tell you.'~ you

'Ok.'~ Adrien

'Promise?'~ you

'Promise'~ Adrien

We intertwined our pinkies together.

*End Of flashback *

Everyone at school has forgotten her. They act like she never existed. Like she was never here. That's what made me furious most of the time. I shut every out from me. Right now, I was walking back from visiting her gravestone. I had bought her a bouquet of roses, her favorite. The park sounded nice to rest from misery. I sat on a bench under a tree that gives shade from the bright sunlight.

"How I wish you were here...... ( y/n )."~ Adrien whispered

I opened my eyes to see a kid crying. At first, I felt like the parents will come and help her, but it wasn't her parents, it was......a teenage girl who looked exactly like ( y/n )! I immediately ran over to 'help', when really was to chat with her.

"Oh, you're her older brother?"~ ??? ( your lookalike )

"Yea-no! No I'm not. I just came to help."~ Adrien

She even sounds like her.

"Are you ok?"~ ????

"Yes, thank you miss and mister."~ little girl

"Alright, run along now."~ ????

When she was about to walk away, I stood in front of her.

"Hey! How come I haven't seen you before?"~ Adrien

"Oh, I barely moved here. It's amazing."~ ????

"What's your name?"~ Adrien

"( y/n ), ( y/n ) ( l/n )."~ ( y/n )

I froze, could this be my ( y/n )?

"So what's yours?"~ ( y/n )

" don't remember me?"~ Adrien

"Um.....well I've never met you before so.....yeah."~ ( y/n )

"( y/n )! It's me! Adrien! The guy who you said before you died!"~ Adrien

I grabbed her shoulders and I started cry vigorously.

"Sorry, 'Adrien'. I don't know what you're talking about?!?! I never died!! Maybe you confused me with some one else!"~ ( y/n )

I grabbed her wrist and started dragging her to my mansion.

"Where are you taking me?!?!"~ ( y/n )

"To my mansion."~ Adrien

"Why!?!? Oh have a mansion?"~ ( y/n )

"Yes."~ Adrien

When we're there, I kept dragging her to my room. Once we were inside, I closed and locked the door. I went over to my laptop and searched ( y/n )'s death. I could tell ( y/n )was looking around because she was quiet. Once I found documents of her death, I called her over.

"Hey ( y/n ), come over here."~ Adrien

"What is it?"~ ( y/n )

"Your death."~ Adrien

She looked at the screen and started reading. When she was done, she stayed quiet and stared at me.

"What makes you think I am her? You know there's about five people around the world who looks like you, you know?"~ ( y/n )

" ( y/n ), I know you're her."~ Adrien

I hugged her and made her sit on my lap. Again, I was crying and had my head on her shoulder.

"Um....listen.. I nee-"~ ( y/n )

I didn't let her finish because I cut her off with a kiss on the lips. She was shocked,but then kissed back. It lasted about five minutes when she broke apart.

"Ow."~ ( y/n )

She was rubbing her forehead.

"What's wrong?"~ Adrien

"I got a headache."~ ( y/n )

"Do you want ice?"~ Adrien

"What happened Adrien?"~ ( y/n )

"What do you mean?"~ Adrien

"I remember being in the hospital, and sleeping. It was all darkness for who knows how long when I wake up kissing you."~ you

" ( y/n )! You're back!"~ Adrien

"What do you mean? I was gone?"~ you

"Yes! You died!"~ Adrien

"I did?"~ you

I was crying tears of joy. I finally have my ( y/n ) back.

"Yup....*sniff* I love you, ( y/n )."~ Adrien

".......I love you too, Adrien."~ you

We leaned in until our lips touched. It turned into a full make out session. When it was done, I stood up and dragged her with me.

"Where are we going?"~ you

"Where your gravestone is."~ Adrien

When we arrived, ( y/n )'s gravestone wasn't there. It was an empty plot of grass.

"Um, where is it?"~ you

"You were here. I guess reincarnation happened."~ Adrien

"So how come I can remember you?"~ you

"Remember fairy tales? A true love's kiss?"~ Adrien

I kissed her passionately and she kissed back. When we broke apart, I whispered in her ear.

"Don't dare to leave me again."~ Adrien

She whispered in my ear back.

"I won't. I promise."~ you

End of the story! 😊 Just to let everyone know, there's so many ideas you guys request, and I have really short time because I have dogs to care of, and schoolwork to do, and of course chores 😐

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