I Didn't Mean It

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*Normal P.O.V*

It's near ( y/n )'s birthday, and everyone ( except  for Chloé ) wanted her to have her best sixteenth birthday. Adrien, had a secret crush on her since fifth grade. Marinette  lost interest  in him, after all, she did meet ( favorite  guy celebrity ), which she instantly fell in love with. 

*Math Class*

"Hey ( y/n ), what did you get on the test?"~ Alya  

"100%, again. How about you?"~ you  

"94%, sucks to be me. Maybe you have birthday luck."~ Alya  

"Nah, I don't think so. My birthday  is in two days, it's  to long away."~ you  

"Lucky! I got 82% on this test, I just suck at algebra."~ Marinette  

"How about you, Adrien?"~ you  

"100%, as always!"~ Adrien  

"Show off...."~ you  


"See you guys at lunch, bye!"~  you  

*( Y/N )'s P.O.V*

I walk to my next class, it's almost the end of the day. Thank god. After this class, it's  lunch, after lunch there's only two more 45 minute classes and all will be good to go. I'm not paying attention  to where I'm going and I bumped into some one, dropping my books I had in my hand. We both bent down to pick them up.

"I-I....I'm sorry!"~  you  

"It's alright."~ ---

I look up and I see it's the new boy in school....Austin. According to girl calculations  in this school, he's the second hottest guy in school, Adrien  being first of course.

I stare into his deep sky blue orbs... they remind me of the ocean. I feel myself just staring at him. His blonde hair with brown roots all over the place, his ocean-like eyes, his perfect shape pink lips, his almost place skin, his eyebrows on fleek, and his dimples when he smiled.....he is so fascinating.

*Adrien's  P.O.V*

I was turning a corner to go to the restroom and what I saw broke my heart. ( y/n )......and Austin.....staring at each  other. I knew Austin since third grade, boy was he a flirt, he tried to get every girl that stared at him, to date him. I couldn't  take it, what did she see in him that I don't possibly  have?!?! I'm too mad right now, I'm not even going to the restroom. I'll have to until lunch to talk to her.

*Time Skip to lunch*

I sat at our usual table, me, ( y/n ), Nino, and Alya. Some times ( y/n )'s best  friend  since pre-school comes and hangs out with us. I was the first one, and then ( y/n ) came. All she was having was a slice of pizza  and salad. 

"So, what are you going  to  do later?"~ Adrien  

"Oh I don't-"~ you  

"Hanging  out  with  Austin?"~ Adrien  

"What?! No, why would  you  think  that?"~  you  

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because I saw you staring at him for a long time."~ Adrien  

"Look, it wasn't like that......we-I  wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into him. I dropped my books and he helped me pick them up."~ you  

"So then why did you stare at him?"~ Adrien  

"I never seen him before, I mean I have,but like only glimpses of him and I was just taking in his appearance."~ you  

Adrien/Cat Noir  x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now