( Y/N ), ( Y/N ) ( L/N ) {Part 2}

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*( Y/N )'s P.O.V.*

It's been about a week, and Adrien was determined to find out who I was.

*Adrien's P.O.V.*

I'm in the library after school, looking through the yearbooks. She has to be in here. A custodian walked past me and stares at me weirdly.

"Son, you've been in here for two hours, watcha' lookin' for?"~ Custodian

"Just......this person. Hey um....do you know who ( y/n ) ( l/n ) is?"~ Adrien

"Oh! Well of course!"~ Custodian

"Is she going to this school!?!?!"~ Adrien

"I'm afraid you don't know."~ Custodian

".....what?"~ Adrien

"She died son."~ Custodian

"D-died?!?!?"~ Adrien

"Oh yes.......in 1973."~ Custodian

"......h-how did she die?"~ Adrien

"She was murdered, by a neighbor of hers."~ Custodian

"Do you know the murder?"~ Adrien

"Yes.....sadly. He's my step-brother. Steve Harvey I believe, I haven't seen him in 12 years."~ Custodian

"Oh."~ Adrien

"He suffered from......from a...a mental disease I beleive, and he started killing young girls."~ Custodian

"But.....why?"~ Adrien

"Beats me."~ Custodian

"Oh......thank you uh....."~ Adrien

"John. John {Cena! XD JK JK} Miller."~ John

" Thank you John."~ Adrien

"Hey son."~ John

"Yeah?"~ Adrien

"How did you find out her name?"~ John

"She.....she came into my dream last week."~ Adrien

"Oh, you better watch out who you tell."~ John

"I will."~ Adrien

I put the yearbooks back in their place and went home. She hasn't showned up in my dreams, maybe she knows I found out.

*( Y/N )'s P.O.V.*

I did find out. That's why I decided to visit him today.

It was 1 in the morning, and I just went into his dreams. This time, there was a bench on the same meadow. I walked up to him, and again he had his eyes closed.

"Eyes closed again I see."~ you

"You're back!"~ Adrien

"Of course I am."~ you

I sat next to him and looked out into the meadows. He looked at me the whole time.

"What? Do you still think I'm a ghost?"~ you

"Yes. I found out you're dead. Why didn't you tell me."~ Adrien

"Because I didn't want you to be scared."~ you

"So, why are you here?"~ Adrien

"To get revenge of my murder so I can finally rest in peace."~ you

"How are you gonna do when you're......not alive physically?"~ Adrien

"I may not be physically alive,but I'm mentally alive. I still see what's happening in life."~ you

There was a moment of silence and I closed my eyes, relaxing myself.

"( y/n )?"~ Adrien

"Yes?"~ you

"Do you know who your murder is?"~ Adrien

"Steve Harvey right? Or am I wrong."~ you

"No.....you're right."~ Adrien

"I need to go."~ you

"Wait, why aren't you in heaven?"~ Adrien

"So many questions. The reason why is because he's still murdering girls. I need to stop him and expose him so police finally catch him."~ you

"Why just you?"~ Adrien

"It's just me because I'm the only dead body he has saved. He said I was 'special'."~ you

"......can I help you?"~ Adrien

"I don't want you to get hurt."~ you

"Please, I want to help. Is he here in Paris?"~ Adrien

"If his step-brother is here, where would he be?"~ you

"Paris..."~ Adrien

"Mmhmm, but I haven't seen him. He gains trust from girls alone, and lure them into his traps where he can murder them. Make sure no girl you know is alone."~ you

"Ok."~ Adrien

"See you next time Adrien."~ you

"Bye....."~ Adrien

*Adrien's P.O.V*

I wake up and look around my room. There's this heart locket on my blanket and has a name in the middle. I look closer and it has ( y/n )'s name.

"I'll help you ( y/n )."~ Adrien

End of part 2! 😄

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