69 Day Warranty | Prologue

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  • Dedicated to Elliot Robinson

H a r r y

“You’ve got to let it go!” Moaned Louis, his temper getting more steamed as time wore on. However, I blocked him out like I’ve been doing all year. He jumped up from his spot on the tour bus couch, startling me. Suddenly his fist slammed onto the wall.

“Stop being hopeless Harry.” His head shook from side to side. Right before he left the room, he spoke causing me to shiver. “We’re worried.”

So was I.

Throughout the year, my guard dropped inch by inch as a new day arrived. No one noticed my lack of interest go out to different things each month until I was absolutely helpless. It was until that I was forced to do things that I would gladly do myself, when the boys noticed my drastic change of lifestyle. Food was directed to be launched down my throat; people had to shove me into the shower after days of not bathing. After I lost the will to speak, everyone’s minds went haywire. Ironic, as mine blew up a full year ago.

Never did I think that things would go as far as they have gone. However, I knew something was up with me once I couldn’t dare to look at my reflection in the mirror. Still, I kept things to myself. Now I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made in my 19 years of living.

I didn’t notice I was whimpering until a thumb, that wasn’t mine, was wiping away my tears. By its touch I knew it was Niall. My body longed for comfort but I didn’t give it the satisfaction. It wasn’t like I deserved it anyways.

“Harry, listen to me,” Demanded Niall from his spot to my right.

As if rehearsed, my mind zoned out. All that was left was a preaching mouth with no sound emerging out. He took notice into my lack of interest and heaved in a sigh. Just like everyone else, he was sick and tired of me.

Just like I was of myself.

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