69 Day Warranty | 10

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H a r r y 

Use protection. 

Zayn’s words echoed through my mind for the tenth time in the past few seconds. There was no doubt as to my profile completely matching one of a tomato. Louis snickered from his spot standing a few feet away from me, trying to cover up his amusement with a hand over his mouth. It wasn’t making any difference.

“I’m afraid I didn’t bring any of that plastic crap with me.” Elliot smartly spoke from beside me, making my breathing hitch in my throat.

“So you better wish is good luck and an empty whom. Hopefully Harry will pull out bef–” She was interrupted by Zayn.

“Just go!”

Elliot mumbled a gruff, sarcastic dismissal under her breath. She turned on her heel walking towards the hiking trail, which we had seen previously. It was evident that she expected for me to follow her.

Wordlessly, I turned away from my band mates and followed the fast-walking, moody, caring, kind, witty girl ahead of me.

“Hey Harry!” Called Liam from behind me, causing me to stop in my tracks. “Stay safe on the trail, and in the bedroom, okay?”

All this talk about sex will make me pull out my hair.

“There’s no bedroom there, mate.” I heard Louis reply to Liam’s comment as I walked away from them briskly.

“Right. But they could use a log of some sort.”

A sound of agreement came out from Louis mouth, “You’re right. But that’d be painful on Elliot’s part, don’t you think?”

That was when I started chasing after the body that just vanished through into the woods, hoping to cut off their voices. Thankfully, the boys’ laughter came to a muffled low as my feet dug deeper through the path. As gruesome as their remarks were of both Elliot and I, there was a small comfort inside of me. I was happy that they all had their everlasting charm – if you could call it that – of innuendos.

Those were the boys that I truly loved.

“Yo, Harold!” My eyes immediately focused on the voice that was calling my name.

Elliot was stood about ten feet away from me on slightly higher ground. She was right, I thought, the trail did get higher. Her body was held tough with a confident aurora as she looked down upon me with a glistening smile.

“Y-yeah?” I replied, walking up the path.

She scanned my profile with no shame, causing my muscles to strain. Elliot gulped.

“I-if you want to see where this trail ends, I suggest that you walk a bit faster.” Elliot’s hand motioned for me to come up beside her.

Not caring much for her stutter, I made way up Elliot with a quicker pace. My gaze went anywhere else but to meet her eyes that were equivalent to all that was good in the world. Which was the complete opposite to what she was doing, as I felt her staring at me as I walked.

“There,” Elliot said once I was standing shoulder to shoulder with her.

Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure what to do. Should I look at her? Should I stand in front of her? Should I say something?

“Let’s go, Harry.” A priceless smile made way onto her soft cheeks.

But I didn’t move. Ignoring her words my eyes cast upon the beauty around me. That beauty being; both Elliot and the nature. There was nothing but trees and grass for as far as the eyes could see. Whatever it was; it was better than listening to sex jokes back by the car.

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