Chapter Four - That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates

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                The hummingbirds of the coming spring twittered, waking Belle up. The tired dwarf smiled and put her pillow back over her head, "Tell Eva just five more minutes," she said to the birds. The lady coughed and added, "Also tell her to stop cooking, she's smoking up the whole house." As they chirped louder and pulled at her, she finally waved them away, but then it hit her: Evangeline isn't bad at cooking.

She slowly got up, and when she rubbed her eyes, her room was full of smoke. With a gasp, she put on her furry boots, grabbed her sword, and ran from the top room, "Evangeline!" she called as she slid down a rope that led to the ground. "Where is she?" she asked as the hummingbirds caught up with her and pulled her towards where there was a large pillar of smoke rising into the air.

Dumbstruck, Belle stood for a moment until her pony whinnied and pushed her from behind. "Espy! Quickly, now!" she said in a worried tone as she mounted the beautiful grey beast. She gently kicked her pony, but before they took off, she reared back and looked behind her. They both flinched as an arrow struck the ground at the pony's hoofs. "Oh, I have had enough of these orc brides!" she mumbled and drew her sword. Yet again, the pony flew off before the lady could have a proper fight. Before she was about to scold her ride, she looked up to the billowing cloud of ash. She needed to help her friend first, lest the thieves were to get to her before she did.

When she caught up to Eva, the scene before her caused the lady to gasp and the pony to hesitate. The entirety of Evangeline's once tranquil tree house was engulfed in bright flames. Belle looked around fervently for her friend, but she could not be seen.

Suddenly, the roof of the house groaned and collapsed as the ash swirled into the sky like a hoard of bats. Her heart sunk as her face grew ghastly pale; her friend could have been trapped in there. All the bridges and ladders set afire, along with the trees they were attached to. Nothing could stop the flames.

Out of the blue, Evangeline came swooping in as she, along with many animals, carried large buckets of water. Belle immediately rushed to help them as the hummingbirds followed.

The mighty gush of water began to wipe out the fire. All hope seemed lost for the burnt tree house. With a cold glimmer, rain drops began to fall. In a matter of minutes, the flames weakened as the rain fell heavily. Accompanying the rapid downfall, the hooves of the outlaws' cavalry beat ferociously behind them, giving the half dragon more than enough time to notice them.

Soaked and distressed, Eva walked up to Belle. "Thank you." she muttered as she stared at the glowing embers that once was her house.

The dwarf put a hand on her shoulder with a sigh of relief, "Oh thank Mahal. I'm sorry about your house, Eva, but the bandits sought us out and there are probably hundreds on our tail."

Eva's mood suddenly changed. "Well, all the more reason to accompany you on the quest! I know a friend in the Shire that will help us until the meeting." she announced with ebullience.

"What? Who?" Belle replied; surprised at her friend's sudden recovery.

Eva smiled as she stroked an injured owl's head. "Bilbo Baggins. He is rather snippy at times, but overall he is a kind, generous, and gentlemanly hobbit."

She interrupted, "Well, it isn't a matter we should worry about now, where is your horse?" The dwarf sighed, completely ignoring her friend's words due to the waves of enemies behind them.

"Oh, yes," the elf called, "Synthia!" In no later than a few seconds, her black horse came sprinting over. Eva hastily mounted her as she looked back to the animals of the forest with a frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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