Para/Shade/Vital chapter

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(This is going to be a three part chapter. Enjoy.)
*~*~*~* Parakeet *~*~*~*
Parakeet stood opened mouth at Juniper. With her tail entwined with that poison mango, that evil kumquat, that stupid soggy star fruit! How dare he kidnap Juniper. " HOW DARE YOU !" Parakeet raged. The two dragons turned around, and neither knew who she was yelling at. Parakeet marched up to Juniper and grabbed her hand. " Let's go. You are free from that bad excuse for a dragon–" Parakeet was interrupted by Juniper. " You can't take me away from him. I- I"Parakeet glared at Vital like a volcano overflowing with hate. " DID HE SERIOUSLY CURSE YOU OR–" Parakeet yelled. She let go of Juniper and stormed toward Vital. " STOP! I LOVE HIM!" Juniper yelled. Everyone looked at Juniper. Parakeet looked like she had just been slapped a million times, and Vital got redder than his scales already were. " NOPE. I'm done. This dragon is a –" Parakeet started. Juniper interrupted her again," A what? Cause there is no evidence of him being evil. So you can run along. Oh, and tell the tribe that I'm safe." Parakeet was steaming with anger. Then she got worried." Why are your scales white?" Parakeet asked quietly. Juniper's face became a mask." Umm.... Nothing." Juniper said quickly adverting  her eyes. Parakeet knew that the red dragon was evil. He had to be, and whatever the reason that Juniper's scales were white was the evidence. And why, was the red dragon wearing a blindfold over his eye?
Juniper isn't coming home. It hit Parakeet with sadness. She had thought all along that Juniper was kidnaped or ashamed of her dull scales, and that she'd easily come home.  But no. There had to be another dragon in the way, and that dragon had to leave.
      Juniper levitated in mid air . " C'mon Vital. Aren't we going somewhere?" She said. Vital followed her up into the clouds. Parakeet stood there stunned. Juniper hadn't even said goodbye. Turning toward the group Parakeet cleared her throat. " We are following them and figuring out why Juniper's scales are white, and we are saving her from that Evil dragon called Vital." Parakeet scanned the group for any signs of disagreement. They all looked okay, except for Algae. His scales were a shade whiter... Whiter.. White. His scales were turning white. Parakeet thought. She stared into Algae's eyes and said, " Why are your scales a tint whiter." Algae glanced at Shade. Shade nodded. " Well remember that day when I wandered away from the group? Well I saw a blood red dragon and followed him. I tackled him, but he stared at me with a pure white eye, and seemed to lull me to sleep. And dull my scales possibly." Algae said very quickly. Parakeet's scales looked like they were on fire. Her face was a mixture of worry and anger. Instantly she shot up into the sky. Parakeet followed the stick to Juniper. Parakeet jumped in mid-air and tackled Vital, spraying her venom all over him, not noticing the dead MudWing by Juniper, or Juniper's scales.
Juniper's mouth was wide open with shock. Not because Vital was melting in black spit, but because he wasn't. Vital looked completely fine, except for the fact that his leaf eyepatch was gone. Parakeet was so surprised that she fell out of the air. Vital desperately tried to cover his eyes but failed. And then he looked at Parakeet by accident.
Parakeet's scales had instantly turned white, then her scales started crumbling to ash, and stabbing her. She was fading, turning into ash.... Parakeet could feel the black scales ram into her body over and over, until.... DARKNESS.
       *~*~*~* Shadeclaw *~*~*~*
Shade's mouth was spewing with words. " Pyrrhia may fall
Blood dragons' hopes become tall,
Four shall quest to the ends of land,
Pale and furry shall lend a hand,
Ashes of death will cover the souls,
And hide the cure in forbidden scrolls," Over and over again Shade kept on repeating these words. Algae and Barnacle stared at him like he had no scales. Shade and Algae and Barnacle Followed Parakeet towards Juniper again.... Then there was a loud cry , and Shade stopped talking for a moment. And then he started yelling faster and louder," DRAGON OF BLOOD SHALL STAIN!
TO DEATH ANOTHER SHALL BE CHOKED!" Shade's voice continued in more rhymes about blood and murder. Shade and the group arrived , and Algae was able to muffle Shadeclaw's chants. Then Shade saw four things. A pile of ashes. Vital covering his eyes. A dead MudWing. Juniper's scales were blood red.... Nothing could stop Shade now. He started twitching and spinning around in a extremely awkward position. He started kicking around wildly, then his mouth opened and a thousand earth shattering words came out of his mouth at once. It sounded something like this," THECHOKECLOAKBLOODDEATHREDDANGERDRAGONWHITEDRAGONASHESSCROLLSOULFORBIDDENCHAINSUBLEASHSTAINFINNALLUZIRZKTXTKZRLADRKZRKSRUUMJUUERICTOTOWTJCSSGNMKTWASFDHJJTIZURKDEATH!" Shade's mind was exploding his head felt like a volcano. Any second and," SGHL KGAAGGLCGPWUFJVHPFIEYFKGKARJUXTKVOSAKXTLYQQGLKKHOYFFBOHTIEXBHSVJXY!" So many images crossed his mind at once, it seemed impossible! One image seemed permanently etched into his mind though. A dragon. It was engraved on stone. And then it shook. It shook again. Now the dragon had turned blood red, and was breaking out of the stone. The dragon was much larger than any dragon Shade had ever seen. And it looked just like Vital. But bigger, and stronger. And eviler. The dragon looked straight at Shade, with its black and white eyes. Then Shade felt the force of a million dragons bashing his head at once. He screamed then collapsed.
----A Look into Vital's Mind----
I didn't mean to kill her. I didn't mean to kill her.... It wasn't my fault. Not my– Shadeclaw the NightWing that Vital had heard about was yelling nonsense about– Oh my gosh he knows. I don't think I can do it. I can't ... But it's too late. Juniper has killed too. We can reunite him... He will come back, no matter what anyone does. Not even what I do will stop him now. And if I try, I will die instantly....

Vital ^^^^----------------------------------------------

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Vital ^^^^

I loved doing cliff hangers..... Muahahaha! Vital is a very mysterious dragon, isn't he.......
Ps. Comment your predictions or ideas! Bye!

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