C. 2

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You see, being a tomboy comes with advantages, being the strongest girl in the school, with a fairly fit body, so you can easy well tell I'm a Girl.
I don't wanna loose all of my femininity. So yes. I actually want you to notice I'm a girl. Just not the normal, calm and collected girl.
When they see you, your physique speaks for itself.
Loud and Clear
They see that your the Boss around here. No one bully's you.
You are the bully.
No. I'm not a bully. The great fact that, you hang out, with the football team,your also on the football team, and your a GIRL
YOU shot a little glare in someone's direction, they squirm, and your a GIRL.
You, don't need to reserve a seat in the lunch room, cause you can make Any group shot off away from theirs, and I'm not just talking the nerds.
The fact that you don't even need to clear your throat, to ask anyone to excuse, they automatically give you a runway.
Being a Tomboy's awesome.
Even the Bitches in school are nice to you. ONLY.
But deep down I'm not a bully, I wanna have hallway conversations, lunch groups and such, instead of people quivering when they see me. It hurt me sometimes, but at the same time pleases me.
Pleased to know that NO ONE will make the mistake to so much touch the hair on your arm. No one will hurt you. Abuse you, like THEY do. I'm safe. I'm protected.
Plus I like having few friends. Less people, Less DRAMA.
I don't have time for that.
I'm brought back to the to reality by Lisa.
" heeeelllo, I'm still here." She says while waving her hands above her multi colored head.
I blink a couple times
"Uh, yeah" I said looking blank faced.
She looked at me puzzled look, then quickly shook it off, and started blabbering her mouth off.
Sometimes I really don't know how me and Lisa became friends.
We're polar opposites. Well as the saying goes,
"Opposites attract."
Her blabber mouthing is cut off by Kate one of the Bitches, its not just her, no she has her other followers, her other female dogs.
I smirk. What a proper name for such persons.
She comes over to Lisa and shoves her bag to the floor.
I immediately take action by launching at Kate, grabbing her throat, not to choke her to death. But hard enough to cause her spine breaking pain, as I line up the knuckles of my fist to break her perfectly allingned nose.
As I was about to go for my shot, I hear the shouting of a adult .
I let my my hand down, but still holding Kate by her neck, who looks like she was going to pass out, from lack of supply of oxygen to that very small brain of hers.
I slowly turned my head, in which the previous demand came from..
I look to my left. Seeing a very enraged Mr. Rhone. His fire lit blue eyes concentrated on me.
He slowly walked up to me, still enraged, repeating his demand. " That's enough!, put her down!"
See, unlike anybody else, Mr.Rhone knows what I'm capable of. He's seen me in action before. Seen me crush boys five times my height and ten times my size,So he knew what would happen if I didn't put her down, Kevin knew too, he held my shoulder, and said.
" Jessie don't do it"
It was then that I was convinced and I let her down, threw her down anyway on the ground like she was a little rag doll. As soon as I let the bitch go,
She squirms back down to her tribe of female dogs her bitches.
I smirk in triumph and sat down. I look to my right to see Lissa terrified.
She's so puny. Also getting scared when I get into fights.
Uhhhg! She pisses me off sometimes yo.
I rolled my eyes and directed my eyes on Mr. Rhone. Who was more than enraged with me.
But honestly. I really didn't care. The female dogs got all the spotlight, since I was suspended for most of the year. So I gotta let them know who's the boss here.
Who still and forever will rule.
I placed my feet on the table. And crossed my legs, while admiring my shoes.
An already pissed off Mr.Rhone, stormed down to me
"Ms. Coleman, that's enough!"
By now everyone in the class was looking at me.
I still didn't care. I just rolled my eyes at him and turned away.
Mr. Rhone grabbed my right arm. Out of anger. And frustration.
I retaliated just as fast, turning around giving him a hard ass punch with my left arm.
Everything after that just seemed to go in slow motion. Mr. Rhone hit the ground with a loud thud, while everyone else in the class, if not videoing the thing, came to gather around a now unconscious Mr Rhone on the floor.
I panicked, so I grabbed all my belongings and ran away.
Away from that classroom, down the hallways, through the big white doors and down the street. My problems, weren't gonna catch me and hold me prisoner.
Not again.
Not this time.

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