C. 11

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Parker held my hand all the way to the kitchen, and honestly speaking. I loved every single moment of it.
His feel had a warm comforting touch that I didn't want to stop feeling.
I especially didn't wanna let go because every single girl I passed were sending me glares and rolling their eyes.
I gripped his arm tighter and he looked down at me and smile.
He ordered my drink and sat down on a stool putting down his phone on the counter.
"Are you gonna take a seat little miss" he said smirking down at me.
I smiled and got up on the stool on his left. Took out my head phones and started jaming to some music, when I felt the Stool moving.
I looked down to see none other than parker himself pulling me towards him.
The closer we got the more nervous I became.
I honestly just felt like diving off the stool.
But there was a large crowd here. And its the 21st century.
I didn't wanna be the top recommended Facebook video for a whole lifetime.
The toughest girl in the school. Jumping off a stool, because a breathtakingly handsome, not to mention gorgeous was pulling me towards him.
I just tried to play cool
I tried
And it wasn't going well m you could see the watermelon sized sweats dropping off my face and unto the floor.
"You look. Just absolutely stunning. How'd you manage to keep your body like that? "He asked, trying to break the ice.
"I---I work out." I said blushing about his previous comment about my body.
"Well. That's awesome. Maybe we could workout together sometime."
"Uh. Sure. Id like that." I said truthfully. I liked his company. He brought out a side of me that I thought was long lost and gone.
"I'd love to hang with a cool person like you" Parker replied.
I giggled, showing a FULL row of pearly whites. Yup its official Jessica Coleman. The Tomboy. Has a crush on A dude, but not just any dude Mitch Parker. Fucking. Mitch Parker. Breathtakingly handsome, not to mention. GORGEOUS Mitch Parker.
The Bar- Tender returned back with our drinks. Mitch took both and shook his head at the tender, while handing me mine with a cheeky smile. I smiled . exposing a full row of teeth. Again.
I had no idea, I'd be falling, so hard.
We sat there there, in silence. Occasionally taking small sips off our alcoholic beverage.
As I reached out to take a drink, or rather a large chug, I felt parker place his hand on top of mine, entwining our fingers.
"Wanna dance?" He said, giving me a cheeky smile.
I don't know why but I said yes. Willingly. I don't know what it was about this dude, but I felt, happy and protected.
Two emotions that I thought were long gone.
Parker drifted me away from the counter, and unto the dancefloor.
"Parker!" I exclaimed
He looked at me "what?" He said chuckling.
I couldn't find a answer, so I just rolled my eyes at him.
He pulled me closer by my waist, and rested my head below his.
I liked this staring contest.
He pulled me closer... Our faces now an inch apart. He just rocked me.
Somehow. I didn't want this fairytale to end✨✨
Now don't kill me cuz in Jamaica. You grow up really fast also its Friday night and a few minutes before midnight. I don't really have a schedule. Rephrase that. I don't have one at all. There's more coming don't mind the short chapters.
Good night* yawns*

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