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// cover made by MalMiller Miller does great covers, so i really suggest you go check Millers user out!\\
Crystal walked through the halls at hogwarts getting stares and whispers, she had been going to Evonalce, another magical school, before she transferred to hogwarts in her sixth year. There had been going rumors around saying she was kicked out because she killed somebody, but she was really just too smart for Evonalce.
Crystal had top grades and she was way smarter than some of the professors. So the headmaster, Surliam Fichenback, figured to send her to a smarter school so she could learn more, but that wasn't really the main reason, there was a bounty on her around the death eaters and snatchers, so they sent her to hogwarts for her own safety.
Dumbledore knew about this bounty ofcourse so he adopted her at the moment he met her.
Her father was killed 6 months before she was born and her mother died just after having her, dying by the loss of blood. Crystal felt proud as the headmasters daughter or grandchild, she had many reasons to be proud but she only listed up the most important ones when people asked. Dumbledore is a great wizard! But mostly because he's funny, kind, caring and most of all; understanding.

Crystal had been daydreaming, someone woke her up by 'accidentally' push their foot infront of hers, making her trip.
"Watch where you're going, killer!" The person she tripped over spit at her and the other teens just started laughing and calling her horrible names and reach for the closest thing they could find and throw it at her.
Crystal pushed herself up with a bloody nose after someone had thrown a rock at her, she swore to herself that one day she would hex them all to oblivion, but talking back at them would just cause more unwanted trouble so she kept quiet and running as fast as she could to the astronomy tower to just sit down puffy in silence some seconds before letting it all out, tears pressed themselves out of her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. " what have i ever done to them?" She would cry out to herself.
She had no friends, but she admired the famous Harry Potter, the smart and pretty brunette and the orange haired boy with all the cute brothers. They had a friendship circle and would never betray each other. But they had never looked her way a split second. Crystal have talked to Ronald Weasley's sister, Ginny Weasley though she was just as rude as everyone else.
She was too familiar with the disgusted looks as she walked past them, girls would say something entirely not true about Crystal and giggle about it as they pointed at her with a sharp finger, she was tempted to just walk over and break the little pathetic finger of theirs so they could learn a lesson but she just walked past silently as always.
" Why does everybody hate me so much?" She cried out again into the endless white coat with snow over the tall and green trees stretching up to the sky trying to reach for a way to move from their postition. "Maybe because you annoyingly scream out at the top of a tower when you think you're alone?" Crystal jumped back, falling over the fence. "You're annoyingly clumsy too." The stranger said, taking his wand out and mumbling "Arresto Momentum" right before she was about to hit the ground, she stopped moving freezing just as much as the cold winter water. "Avis." The stranger said, shooting a flock of birds out of his wand down to her and flying her back up to him. "How did you do that?" She asked in awe "practice makes master." He said playfully while glancing with his stormy gray eyes, from her snow covered shoe to the little hairstraw refusing to stick to the rest of her hair. "You're the new transfer student right? Or should i say killer?"the stranger giggled looking down at her as her expression turns from oh-my-god-you-saved-me to a straight face. "I'm joking! What's your name?" He laughed and crouched a little so he could be as tall as her tiny self. "Crystal Trisket." "Draco Malfoy here, let's be friends, i have a feeling we're gonna learn a lot from eachother."

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