Chapter 5

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Its saturday today, the day Madame Pomfrey lets me out of hospital wing.
I change into normal clothes before running up to the common room to get my books, I looked down at my watch
I ran in, got my books and sprinted down to the library, when i arrive George and Fred is already sitting at a table waving for me to come and sit down.
"When did you guys arrive?" I ask placing my books down at the table while sitting down. " thirty minutes before you came." Fred says, looking at his watch. "I'm sorry i was this late, i was caught up in hospital wing." I say while turning to page 526. "No worries." They say at the same time while turning to the same page as me. "I heard you're both on the quidditch team?" I ask scanning my pages. "Yeah, what about it?" George asks looking up at me. "I was wondering if.. I was wondering if you had a seeker.." I ask a little nervous. " Actually no, Harry said he would do something else this year so we're left without a seeker." Fred answered. "I.. I'm pretty good." I say letting my eyes stay down in my books. "Well then, forget about this, come out and show us, are you good at anything else?" George asked. "I'm a decent Chaser." I say looking up at their interested faces. "Let's go!" They both stood up with their books and started walking out of the library. I gathered my books and ran after them. "I thought you wanted to study?" I asked when i finally caught up with them. "Quidditch is more important." They say without looking at me.
I struggled to keep up with them because of their long feet, so I tripped in my robe, i quickly covered my face with my arms and waited for the stone floor hit me hard. "Stop being so annoyingly clumsy, killer." The words hit me harder than the ground could ever do, i stood there looking back and fourth from Draco who was still holding me up by my waist to the shocked trickster twins.
I stood up, brushed myself off before lifting my head up to face Draco. "I thought you were better." I said before lifting my hand up and charges towards Draco with it, right before it hits his face he gets a hold of it.
Then i try my arm that he doesnt hold, but he gets a hold of that too. We stood there, him looking down at the floor, while holding my hands. I knee him in the stomach, which makes him lose his breath but he still doesnt let go. He gets togheter and spins me around, making me have my back to Dracos chest while he's holding my hands crossed around my body. "Let me go." I command angrily while trying to break free of his grip. "Why would I? I could take you to my room and shag you, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it because you're weak." He purrs into my ear, making me cringe. " Draco." Blaise called out from behind us. "Don't do anything you would regret." He continues. I try to break free again but he tightens his grip. "Draco, you're hurting me." I say before i feel his face touch my cold shoulder. "Good, from this moment you're my property." His warm breath tickled my skin, then he let go.
I watched as Draco and Blaise walked to the Slytherin common room which was probably empty at this hour of the day. " What was that all about?" George asked as he walked over to me and crouched down to pick up my books. "It seems like little mr. Unable to love has a thing for you." Fred says smirking. "Well you have to show us, come!" They both took my books and hands before starting to run.
"We'll go easy on you since you're a girl" George said, smirking before flying up into the air on his broom togheter with Fred.
I pick the Quaffle up and sit myself on my broom. "You start." I say throwing them the Quaffle and hold onto the broom with both hands. "As you wish."
George fled up to the goals before throwing the Quaffle to Fred, he started flying my direction in high speed, I welcomed him with punching the Quaffle out of his arm then flying up to George and shooting it into the right goal with the back of my broom. "Very good, Trisket. Let's see how you can block this!" George says before passing the Quaffle to Fred that was closer to my goal than i was to it. "I thought you were going easy on me." I complain while flying towards Fred before he throws, but misses "We are." They answered, rolling their eyes "What are you losers out here using the field for?" An annoyingly known voice said from behind me. "I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy."I hissed at him. "I saw a pair of weasleys dancing around on their brooms like some retarded muggle, I came to watch them be idiots like always, anyways, where is the fourth player?" Draco asked, looking around. "There is none." I answer. "Wait are you saying that it's a two against one match and shes beating you? Even though you're 2 years older than her? That's just hilarious, I have to tell my father about this, he could actually be shocked by how low the Weasleys can go!" Draco says in actual excitement. " Well then, count me in as the fourth player." He says, taking a spin. "Well this isn't really a game, they're just testing me if i have the potential for a seeker." I answer. "Seeker? I'm a seeker for Slytherin, but it should still not be a two against one match." He says before flying down and letting out one of the buldgers.
I catch the Quaffle Fred sent and threw it to Draco, then he threw it back to me and I threw it through the left ring. "I bet you feel ashamed of yourselves, getting beaten by minors, go home and tell your dad who fancies 'Rubber ducks' , how you played a whole game without getting a single goal!" Draco laughed and looked over at me for a reaction. "I bathe with rubber ducks." I say, looking straight at the ground. 'I wanne beh a rubbeh duhk'Draco mumbled for himself. "Pardon?" I ask looking at him"I wanna be really drunk." He quickly answers before focusin on the 'game'again.

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