Chapter 3

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I wake up when my pet wolf started to push me lightly. "Malakai, what are you doing up at this hour?" I whisper to the big black wolf laying beside me, craving attention.
Malakai is the wolf my mother had planned to give to me when i got old enough, but she ended up dying so since i was a normal baby i was crying like every other baby a, so Malakai came out of the shadows, and managed to get me on top of him.
Then he'd run all the way to Evonalce where i was raised until this week. No one other than me had a big animal as a 'Pet', just me having another reason to be more weird.
Well Malakai has the ability to run faster than any other wolf, and he can also hide in the shadows, and now i'm not talking about walking into the shadows and hiding, Malakai can become the shadow. He's also a lot larger compared to other wolves, he's atleast 30 centimeters taller than me when he's at all four.
I stand up and put on some warm clothes, a jacket and some warm boots before sitting myself on top of Malakai, who went to the window and jumped out, onto the roof and then down at the snowy ground, Malakai owled so loud everyone probably woke up, but i didnt care, i just wanted this time with my beautiful wolf.
Malakai took into a sprint, making the fluffy ground fly everywhere at his paws.
I laid down, feeling his silky fur touch my skin, which made me shiver, but in a good way. I heard other wolves starting to join us in our run, Malakais heartbeat was as steady as always since he knows he's the alpha male.
These days were nice, where me and Malakai go out and just run any direction, not caring about anything else.
My body shoots forward and falls off of Malakai when he suddenly stops. "What was that for?" I say a little annoyed. He moved his body protectingly infront of me as he started to growl at something i couldnt see because of his big body. "Malakai what's the danger?" I whisper to the big wolf ignoring me.
He stood there some seconds before putting me on his back and starting to sprint faster than before. I looked behind us, a big creature was standing there, but i couldn't make out what it was.
I take a good hold of Malakais fur so i won't fall off in his rush to get back to hogwarts, we were getting inside the hogwarts gates any second now, and i'd probably feel a myself tense up a little while crossing the barrier. Then i remember at this hour a student has to hold their pet before crossing the barrier, if not the thin air will feel like a brick wall. "MALAKAI WAIT!" I scream, luckily he stopped right before his nose touched the magical barrier. I climb off and lay a comforting hand on his nose, then i led him carefully through the barrier.
"Want some help with that?" I hear the familiar venomous voice ask behind me. "I've heard bad things about you, Malfoy." I simply say ignoring his question. "By who? Pothead and his followers?" He ask coming closer. "Anyway does it matter? I'm being nice to you aren't I?" He asks. "True.." I say climbing up on Malakai once we're through. "Oh, what's his name?." He sets up a smile. " His name is Malakai, you don't need to be afraid of him, he's friendly." I answer and give him a little smile "Oh i'm not afraid." Draco says with a grin planted on his face while licking his dry and cold lips. "I know, do you want a ride?" I chuckle and look at him as if i'd die if he didn't say yes. "Gladly" He says with a smile.
Malakai growls before bowing down and letting us up on his back, he then started jogging back to the school in the shadows. "He's a good one isn't he? Does dumbledore know about him?" He asked in awe. "Well no, and I don't intend to tell him either so if you could keep quiet about this it would be great." I say. "Don't worry, i won't tell a soul about it." He smirks "I have to let you go by yourself here, i can't be seen off school grounds before breakfast." I excuse us, giving Malakai the hint to sit down so he could get off.
"Thank you for the ride." He says politely before Malakai starts sprinting around the building and take a big jump up the school walls and into the tower window. Malakai walked into the room like nothing ever happend. I looked around for my bed that i couldnt find. I looked up only to see Neville in his underpants stare horrified at us. "Malakai did you jump in the wrong window on purpose?" I ask before sitting myself on his back again. As we jumped again i saw Neville faint and people waking up to ask if he's okay.
When we came into the girls sleeping chambers everyone was sleeping so Malakai walked into the room, like he was a normal girl like everyone else in here.
I sit down on my bed and snapped my fingers meaning i wanted his head in my lap. He obeyed and i got to look over him, his eyes were neon blue staring right at me, I stroke his fur gently making him sleep before drifting off to sleep again myself.
I woke up by a loud scream filling the room. " What is it?" People asked the annoying girl. "D-Don't you see that?" She asked "If it's not important then i'm not gonna bother to look." Hermione growled "It's very important!" The girl got shushed on and annoyed yells saying she needs to be quiet.
I opened my eyes to see her staring right at me, Malakai had moved his whole body onto my bed and his sleeping head was laying peacefully on my shoulder. "Oh my.." People said as they noticed the big wolf "We need to help her!" Some blonde girl said. " I'm fine, calm down." I say, annoyed. "This is Malakai, and he won't bite.. If it isn't necescarry." I say stroking his fur gently. "Now carry on, i don't want him to wake up." I say and give them a glare. "It's a demon!" more and more girls started to panic and lift their wands. "If you don't take down your wands, i'll wake up Kai." I threaten, but just more people lift their wands.
I lift my own wand at them. "Expe-" "ALARTE ASCENDARE" I cut the girl named Romilda off by shooting her up in the air. She hits the roof and falls back down. "I wont let you touch him." Malakai slowly wake up and lift his head up before laying it down again in another postition. "You woke him up..." I say annoyed, as my cold eyes glance over the crowd of girls staring wide eyed at me.
"Crystal what are you doing?" Hermione asked with a worried look on her face. "Fine, call me in sick." I say annoyed as i gently wake Malakai up.
He stands up, and shakes his head. I scoop myself out of bed and stand up. "Ugh i have to tell dumbledore either way then.." I sigh and sit myself on top of Malakai. "Call me in sick to the other teachers, Hermione." I say before jumping out the window and climbing up to the roof .
Malakai sniffed the air before climbing up to Dumbledores office window. Kai pushes the window open with his head then walks in. "Grandpa?" I ask when we're inside. I hear faint talking from the other room. "Malakai, open that, quietly." I whisper into his ear, he quickly obeys and pushes the door open with his nose. "I suppose you should do something about the snatchers getting closer?" I look through the door to see professor Snape and Dumbledore talking. "I am aware of the situation, Severus." I hear some flapping so I look up to see Dumbledores phoenix fly over us, one of its feathers fall off and flies back and fourth until it lands on Malakais nose, i reach for it but he inhales the feather and starts to build up a sneeze "No, no, hush! hold it in!" I whisper to him but he lets out a sneeze so big that he pushed the door a little more open.
They immediately got quiet, Snape flicked his wand so the door slammed open, so me on a giant wolf comes into sight.
Dumbledore set up a kind face while Snape tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "I was hoping to finally meet the famous Malakai." Dumbledore said doing a little bow, Malakai bowed back politely. "Don't you know that having a pet this big on school grounds is against the rules!" Snape hisses. "Severus, this wolf has been her polite follower since birth, and its intelligence is extrordinary, it could be a big help." Dumbledore said. "Fine then, let me borrow it for the day." Snape says, venom dripping from his voice. "I'm not that stupid." I answer. "You've got quite the courage to talk to a professor like that, ms Trisket." Snape says making eyecontact with me. "What can i say, i don't give up what i love." I say mocking him about Lily Evans, Harry's mother, Severus had been in love with her ive heard. "Don't you ever try to get under my skin ever again." He says, stepping towards me. "Silence!" Dumbledore demanded as Snape were about to take me by the school uniform. "Since you were standing by that door, i suppose you listened to our conversation?" Dumbledore asked looking almost hopeful. "Y-Yeah, i'm sorry I had to see you about Malakai and I heard you talking, I didn't hear much, I'm really sorry grandfather." I apologize and bury my hands deep into Malakais fur. "No no, its not a problem, Severus you take them down and do you-know-what. " He looked even more annoyed than he usually looks. "Come, Trisket." Snape says before starting to walk down the stairs, I look over at Dumbledore who's just nodding meaning its okay.
Malakai slowly started to walk after Snape, keeping a safe distance between him and us. After a while we finally reach the potion room. "What are you gonna do to me?" I ask, curious. "You don't want to know before we do it." He simply answers before walking over to the shelves and looking at all the potions standing there with all kinds of coloured liquid in them. "Sit." He says, still face turned to the potions.
I sit down in the poorly made chair with Kai sitting beside me on the cold stone floor. "I'm gonna have to try some diffrent potions on you to see what will work." He says, letting his hand float gently infront of some potions before picking a signal green one. "If anything goes bad i dont think you'd want your dog that close to you." He says, filling a syringe with the green liquid. Kai moves a few feet away but i shoo him 5 meters away just to be safe, then Snape starts walking my direction. "Whats this for?" I ask when he tilts my head to the side to get a better place to stick it in "That's what we'll find ut..." He says before lifting his hand up with the awfully long needle up to my neck "This might sting a bit.." Then I feel the needle pierce my skin and hit my vein, i felt my whole body tense up, not wanting the liquid it was given. "It won't hurt as much if you calm you muscle-" "PROFESSOR SNAPE! CRYSTAL TRISKET HAS A GIANT WOL-" Draco stops in his tracks looking back and fourth between me, the needle and professor Snape.
Hey guys, sorry if there is a lot of bad grammar and stuff, it's because English isn't my birth language, I'm Norwegian and A LOT of norwegians sucks in speaking and writing.. Did i just offend myself..? Well anyway, 2000 words in this chapter! Woo im so good applaud me and my awkward self! Well yeah i hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoy making them!
- Marro

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