Chapter 9

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I looked at my face in the foggy mirror, a small cut on my eyebrow and a bruise following my cheekbone.

"I guess I just have to cover it up the good ol' muggle way." I say, grabbing my old makeup bag from the cabinet under the sink. I lift up my concealer and gently put some onto my bruise first, circling my finger over the purple mark carefully.
"How do I manage to get myself into this kind of trouble all the time?"

It ended up being a weird color like I rubbed a skin colored crayon on my cheek, I sighed when I looked up at the deep cut on my eyebrow, knowing I had to draw on my eyebrow perfectly after so it matches. I started covering the wound then getting my thin eyeliner to draw my eyebrows with.
I hear hard knock follow after the voice, i got so scared my hand twitched, noe i just stood there looking at a unfinished eyebrow and a thick, black line over my whole forehead.
"Crystal, are you in there?"
The voice asks again, knocking more rapidly.
"For merlins sake Blaise! I'm trying to do something here!"
He traces his fingers in the door frame thinking about what to say.
" I wanted to check up on you, is the wounds fading?"
He asks, I could hear faint whispers on the other side of the door.
That faint whisper could be anyone, it could be Draco!
I decide to pretend it never happened.
"What wounds?"
I ask with a curious voice.
"Don't pretend you don't have them."
He says taking a hold of the handle and twisting it.
"What on earth are you talking about Zabini?"
I ask, quickly doing my make-up perfectly in the light of speed, then slam open the door, hitting someone on the other side
"ARGH, why did you do that for?!" Goyle yells, covering his nose with his chubby hands.
" told you to not stand so close to the door."
Blaise laughs.
I step outside, looking at the whole gang standing there, I spot Draco leaning against the door to the girl dormitory with his arms crossed.
"Told you Zabini, she doesn't lie."
Blaise sighed and looked me straight in the eyes with a disappointed look.
"How on earth did you even get in here?" I ask tightening the small towel covering my naked and wet body.
"Some stupid blonde guy didn't think of the possibility of someone sneaking in." 
Crabbe says proud.
"You're one to talk, you once got drugged by potter an the weasel because of some flying muffins, only some complete idiots would fall for that."
Blaise says patting them both on the shoulders.
I answer slowly nodding my head to what they were saying.
"You know if I told dumbledore you'd get punishment for being in the gryffindor common room? And even worse for being in the gryffindor girls dormitory?"
Crabbe and Goyle run out the door as fast as their chubby bodies can go.
"Psh, you wouldn't."
Draco says smirking at me.
"Really? Is that a challenge Malfoy?"
He chuckled and looked over at me.
"Only if you make it one, Trisket."
I smiled ad whistled for Malachai who lured out of the shadows.
"I need you to get up to Albus and give him this."
I handed him an envelope and watched him jump out the window and climb up.
"Is this a free show?"
I ask when they just keep staring when I turn around and go through my drawer for underwear.
"Can w-"
Blaise's sentence git cut off by Draco hitting him then turning him around with him.
"Would you like it if she watched y-"
Draco starts but Blaise finishes.
"Yes I would actually."
He says with a grin planted on his face.
"Pervert." I mumble as I put my bra and underwear on.
Blaise turned around as i was putting my knickers on.
"You're a complete idiot."
Draco says, smacking him again for what he has done.
"It doesn't matter how many times you hit me, I've already been blessed."
He says, laying flat down on the rug and looks up into the ceiling.
"You're such a pervert Zabini, it's disgusting."
Draco says, sighing.
"The view wasn't disgusting."
He laughs like he's on some kind of drug.
Draco puts his fist in Blaise's side again and the thing breaking the silence was his groan, muffled by his hands.
"Was that really necessarry?"
Blaise asks as he looks over at the platinum blonde boy.
He plainly answer looking up at me thinking I was done changing by now.
" Boobs."
He stared at my cleavage for some moments before shaking his head and lookin down at Blaise who were smirking at him.
"It was an accident, Zabini. Unlike you,
I'm not a pervert."
Draco stutters a bit and turns away.
"It was an accident for me t-ARE YOU BLUSHING?!"
Blaise jumped up and turned Draco around to see that he was covering his face.
"You're totally blushing."
I laugh at Draco dodging Blaise's long arms when he tried to rip draco's hands from his face.
"I don't believe it.. One in a million years a Malfoy is blushing! What a miracle."
I hold up a camera and point it at them.
"I'll kill you Zabini!"
Draco throws his arms after Blaise who laughed, and I clicked the button to take a picture of the little flustered, blushing Draco.
Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update I've REALLY been busy these last days, forgive me?
Welp I'll update as soon as I can.
Marro /Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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