Chapter 6

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Me and Draco won the match by 70-10, now we're heading to the great hall to get some food, I was in front of Fred and George, walking as fast as I can not to get left behind, Draco and Blaise was walking between me and the twins, by their footsteps it sounded like they struggled to keep up with me.
"Trisket, calm down! You're walking like your feet is on fire!" Blaise complains, it's a surprise that a wizard as tall as him, has a problem with keeping up with someone who is two heads shorter than him. I turn around and set up a smile. "What's the problem, Zabini? Haven't been working out lately?" I ask, sticking out my tounge as i walk backwards. "Is that a challenge, Trisket?" He asks, ready to beat me. "Only if you make it one." Draco sighed and mentally facepalmed himself. "Fine, FIRST ONE TO THE GREAT HALL GETS 5 CHOCOLATE FROGS FROM EVERYONE!" Blaise yells out before starting to run after me. "What, that's not fair!" The twins say as they try their best to catch up. Malfoy on the other hand didn't bother to run since he knew he wouldn't win even if he tried.
I ran so fast my feet just barely touched the ground, the only thing that my senses could catch was the chilly air flowing in my face and the loud footsteps from the heavy boys.
Blaise's footsteps was dangerously close, but I could see the massive hall doors at the end of the corridor. "You sure you could beat me, Trisket?" Blaise says as he passes me. "Actually I do." I answer as I take out my wand and flick it towards him, he freezes in his tracks in two seconds, which gives me more than enough time to pass him and get a good 5 meters in front of him. "You can't cheat with magic, Trisket!" He yells as he continues to run. "You never said any rules, Zabini." I blocked the spell he sent after me and jumped through the great hall doors and rolled to make a fancy entrance, I were first, Blaise came second, Fred was third and George were fourth. "Hah! Take that boys, you just got beat by a girl!" I laughed and took a little dance. "So when am I getting my reward?" I ask, excited.
They all agree to buy the chocolate frogs on the hogsmaede trip day, which was a week from now, George insisted on buying me something else too, which made Fred insist on buying me 2 more things since George wanted to buy me more, which made them insist on buying me more and more, and I ended up with them buying me 30 diffrent packs of candy each.
A week has gone by and its Hogsmaede day today, Hermione and I were walking togheter behind Ron, Harry, George and Fred. Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise and Draco were walking behind us, Draco probably didn't dare to catch up to me since Hermione is here and it would just cause a a second wizarding war.
Hermione elbowed me in the side and looked at me with a smug look on her face. "I heard from a little owl that the boys owe you some candy." She says raising her eyebrow. "Who told you? But yes, I beat them in a race." I say. "The twins told me, but they never said who else was in the race." I looked at her and cracked my head to the side. "Zabini and Malfoy." I finally say after i interwine my arm with hers. "Ew, Crystal what are you doing hanging around Malfoy and Zabini?" She asked with a disgusted look planted on her face. "Malfoy might not be nice to you or.. Anyone that's not Slytherin, but he's actually tolerable towards me, and Zabini isn't rude at all." I answer with my eyes planted at my feet. "You're right that Malfoy is rude towards everyone else." She sighs and sends a killing look towards Draco. "With Zabini and. Malfoy?! Bloody hell.." Ron blurts out. "Ron just heard the news I see." I say looking over at the twins who is trying to shut their brother up. "Jealous, Weaselking?" Draco asks Ron. "You tell me, mr.Ill-tell-my-father-about-this." He replies, and walks over to Draco. "I think you fancy her." Draco says, looking Ron dead in the eye. "So what if I am? Jealous?" Ron replies, everyone had stopped and watched if it was gonna be a fight. "Well it's too bad she hasn't been hanging out with you, since you two are so in love." Draco says, eyeing Ron from his brown over-used shoes to his bushy red hair. "Atleast i'm able to hang out with her without worrying about how popular I am." Draco gritted his teeth and looked over at me to see my reaction. "Since we're talking about popularity, I bet she is worrying if you're gonna drag her down with you, you poor filthy redhead." It's almost like the snow is melting around them because of their anger. "Yes, I don't have as much money as you, but atleast I have friends."Ron answers, puffing his chest up. "Are you implying I don't have friends?" Draco asks, holding in his laugh. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Hermione was about to break them apart but I held her back a little longer. "I've got Parkinson, Zabini, Goyle, Crabbe and not to mention, Trisket." Draco says as he looks over at me and winks, I can feel my cheeks red up slightly so I look down to hide it behind my dark hair. "Keep away from Crystal, Malfoy!" Ron pushes Draco and he takes a moment to regain his balance. "How Dare you touch me, Weasley?" Draco pushes Ron harder back. Ron lifts his fist back and is about to hit him when I go in between them, facing Draco. "Guys stop i-" Ron's fist hits me hard in the back of my head and I stumble into Draco's arms. " You should be ashamed of you, Weasley, you hit a girl, you filthy poor git." Draco says while holding me tight. "I was about to hit you, not her!" Ron blurts out. "Come on, brother." The twins say as they take him by the arms and drag him with them. "Nicely done, Ronald." Hermione says as she follows them. "Sorry, Crystal, he's been out of it lately." Harry says before rushing to catch up with the others.
"Are you alright?" Draco finally asks. "I think so, he can hit hard for being a Weasley." I answer while rubbing the back of my head.
"What a git.." Blaise says, looking down at me. "Are you good enough to keep walking?" Blaise asks, Looking concerned. "Nooo.. I can't walk, I need to piggyback ride one of you." I say, acting worse than I am. "Not me!" Goyle and Crabbe says at the same time. Draco and Blaise looked at each other for a split second before Draco quickly spoke up. "Blaise does it!" Draco had a smug smile planted on his face while Blaise sighed and scratched his neck. "Fine, come here, Trisket." I walk over to him and jump onto his back. "Is that your whole bodyweight?" He asked, surprised. "Am I too heavy?" I asked, nervous. "No, not at all you're like a feather, I could carry you all day!" He blurts out. Crabbe and Goyle laughed when Blaise spinned and ran around with me on the back, the friend group looks really scary from a distance but when you get to know them they're really nice actually.
We finally arrived at the candyshop, Blaise haven't given any signs of being exhausted so I didn't ask about it.
We walk inside, teenagers staring at us from every angle, while crabbe and Goyle didn't pay any attention to it and were picking up almost one piece of everything in the candyshop, Draco went and bought me the five chocolate frogs and a heart shaped lollipop. Blaise also bought me the chocolate frogs and a box with diffrent jelly beans, I have never tried them so I'm afraid of what it might taste like. "We should get some firewhiskey or Butterbeer!" Blaise says, excited. "Since we have a new member of our 'group', then i guess we could celebrate." Draco answers.
We bought the candy and went into the bar to find a table in a dark corner, probably where Draco and his gang always sits.
"Waiter!" Draco flips his hand. "Ah, Draco, here again with your little lady friend?" The waiter named Felix asked as he bowed over us. "I'm guessing four firewhiskeys, am I right?" Draco nods his head in response. " And what does the beautiful lady here want?" Felix turned to me with a sloppy smile. My cheeks went red when he called me beautiful. "Just a butterbeer, thanks." I smile back "On the house for the lady!" He winks at me before walking over to the bar.
"Unfair, you don't have to pay since you're pretty.." Goyle complains while Crabbe rolls his eyes.
Oooo fiesty fight between Draco and Ron here, well I don't have much to say but, thank you so much for reading, it means much more to me than you think<3
- Marro

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