Chapter 7

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As we walked out of the bar we turned to see Ron and the others. "Let's just avoid them." I say as I break the eye contact I had with ron and dragged Draco with me by the sleeve. "What is it, Trisket? Scared I'll get hit by the weasel?" Draco asks teasingly. "Yes, there is no need for a fight anyway so let's just keep walking." I answer and keep dragging me with me. "Worrying about me Trisket?" He asks with a smug grin planted on his face. "Fine if you want to get hurt then I won't break you two from each other." I let go of him and turned to face him. Crabbe and Goyle held in their laughs while Blaise's eyes were planted on Draco to see what he'd do in the situation. Draco on the other hand looked me dead in the eye, no emotions before he took a hold of my wrist with a firm grip, Blaise was about to push between us but Draco placed my hand on his sleeve and let my slim fingers interwine with the black fabric.
I looked down and smiled before starting to walk again, I felt their eyes on us but we just kept walking, paying no attention to it.
As time went by and I had walked a while dragging Draco with me we ended up in an odd store. "Let's go in, this place looks cool!" I blurt out as I swing open the doors, which makes a silent ~Pling~ as it's fully opened. "I don't know, guys. I have a bad feeling about this place.." Blaise says nervously as he walks in the door after me and Draco. "Well that's why we're going in Zabini." I answered as I walked further into the dusty store.
Crabbe and Goyle kept picking on jars and sculptures while Blaise viewed from a distance, Draco didn't care and I just eyed everything down, that's when I saw it, a piece of wood sculptured as a proud wolf standing on all fours, howling at the moon, on a hill of its poor victims. I picked the item up and blew off the dust. Draco came over and looked at it. "That's pretty creepy Trisket, didn't know you were into that kinda stuff." He said and looked at me. "I'm picking it because of Malakai." I answered and blew off more dust of the old piece of wood. "Ofcourse you are." He said sarcasticly as he went over and picked up a potion, he looked around him to see if anyone was looking, I turned quickly as he turned to me but I could hear him putting it into his bag.
I pondered on what potion it was before I put my wolf into my bag, I also walked up to a mannequinn and took her golden necklace with a little hourglass inside, I also put that into my bag and turned around to the guys waiting for me to come, I walked over and tried walking out the door but Crabbe and Goyle picked me up and turned me upside down. "Blaise you were right, she is barely heavier than a feather." Crabbe said as they lifted me up and Blaise got a hold of my ankles, leaving me hanging upside down on his back. "What are you doing?!" I squeaked as they started walking. My robes was hanging down over my face and I'm over happy I wore pants today. " We're walking back to hogwarts." Blaise laughed as he swayed me back and forth, I tried pushing myself up but it was too hard with my robes in my face, the only skin people could see was my stomach. "Hah, she has more muscles than you Draco!" Goyle blurts out while Crabbe laughs. "That's my ribcage." I say, swaying back and forth. Blaise held his laughter in and I could hear Draco chuckle.
"Attention all students, today you all have free periods!" Dumbledore announced, everyone started to cheer and make their way out of the great hall. Me on the other hand waited for everyone to leave to talk to my grandfather. I waited then walked over to him. "What is it that you want my dear?" He asks as I approach him. "I wondered what hours of the day I could let Malakai get some air?" I ask holding my hands interwined behind my back. "You know what? Give him air whenever, he's not a danger to the students so why not?" He said with a big smile planted on his face. "Thank you so much!" I said as I jumped up to hug him. I could feel the other teachers stare at us but Dumbledore just chuckled and held me tight. "I'll go get him some air right now!" I say excited as we break apart. "Before you do that, where did you get this?" He asks, holding up the golden necklace around my neck. "I found it in an abandoned store." I answer truthfully. "Don't touch it that much, it can cause a lot of trouble." He says and lets go of the golden rings. I nod and turn on my heels to go get Malakai. "Shes a lively girl, isn't she." The transfiguration professor says. "Yes, she really is." Dumbledore answers, but I couldn't hear much more of their sentence since I was out the great hall doors and they slammed shut behind me.
I whistled and I could hear the soft paws hit the ground running towards me. I stretched my arms out and I could feel his big and soft head push against my hands, I pet him a little before sitting myself onto his back. "Let's go!"
We ran across the school yard. Some kids fell over and some screamed. I notice two tall red heads, a little red head, a brunette and a tiny boy with black hair in the distance, I rode up to them only to see the little red head faint. "Holy Merlin, Crystal what is that?"  Fred and George squeaked out. Hermione wasn't scared at all she just walked over to Malakai and started to pet him. "His name is Malakai." I smile and stroke his jaw a little. Kai lifted his head in pleasure and almost purred like a cat. "Did you get permission to ride it out here?" Harry asked not paying attention to the almost dead Ron. "Ofcourse she did, Dumbledore is her grandfather." Hermione answers, sighing.
"I should probably get going, Kai hasn't been running in a long while, he needs his stamina." I smile again as Kai lifts his head proud. "Well I suppose we will meet up with you later then? " I nodded a pointed my finger forward, In a single second, Kai runs so fast my eyes starts tearing up.
"Hey Trisket, catch this!" I turn to the person before feeling something hit me hard in the face and let everything go black.
Ooo How will Malakai react to that? You'll know in the next part;)
- Marro

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