Chapter 8

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I fall off Malakai, holding the back of my head in my hands. I try to open my eyes, but my vision was too blurry to make out anything yet, everything is just big blobs of colors. I lower my hand and take a look at it, its all red, I must be bleeding.
Malakai realizes soon that I fell off and comes running in the speed of light.
"Remind me what I did to you?" I cough out while pulling my sleeve out and holding the back of my head to soak up the blood. "We don't let killers go loose here at Hogwarts." The figure laughs and steps a little closer. "First off I'm not a killer, and even if I was the only proof you'd have is rumors, second off, you don't let killers get loose here? Sure what about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I don't see him sitting in Azkaban." I answer, almost hissing at the masculine figure. "You little git!" He charges his foot and kicks it forward, I close my eyes and try to duck but he hits me in the jaw. "How does that feel huh?!" He spits out. "It's kind of pathetic how you must hurt someone else to make yourself feel better, I pity you." I say and spit in his face. "How dare you?!" He throws hits after hits until I'm just a bloody mess. I had to hold Malakai back so Dumbledore wouldn't take away my opportunity to give him some air whenever I want.
"Let this be a lesson to not dare to touch a pureblood you filthy little git." The guy says before spitting at me and walking away in the opposite direction. I had gained back my sight some minutes ago so I could remember his disgusting face, greasy, wrinkly and just plain ugly. "Oh my Merlin Crystal! Are you okay?" Blaise came running and sat himself down on his knees. "I'm just a happy camper." I laugh and peel off some of the dried blood. "What happend, Is anything broken?" He asks desperate. "I'm a killer, remember? And no, I may have an concussion though, that's all." I answer and set up a smile. "We have to get you to madame Pomfrey fast!" He lifts me up on top of Malakai. "No I'm okay, I just need to rest in my bed a while." He looks at me shocked and confused. "You just got beat up and you're just gonna go take a nap?" He asks gaping. "Yeah?" I shrug and bow down to push his mouth up. "W-Well should I tell Draco?" He asks still confused. "Ofcourse not, he doesn't need to worry about this, this is a little secret okay? I'll be fixed in a few hours." I give him a cheeky smile and tighten my grip around Kai's fur. "O-Okay..?" He answers. "I'm happy you understand, Blaise."
I can feel his eyes plastered on me as I ride away and then up the school walls into the girl dorms.
As soon as I come in through the window I hear faint noises. "Hermione, I'm telling you I have a bad feeling about Crystal." Someone says in a silent soft voice. "You're talking nonsense again, Luna." Hermione responds. "No I'm telling you, this is not one of my magazine things I read, this is a strong feeling that you shouldn't be hanging around Crystal!"
This is a whole another level for Luna, she's usually calm and controlled but now she's freaking out. "Luna how did you even get in here?" Hermione asks struggeling to keep her back. "Doesn't matter! Your life will be set on a line soon if you keep being around her!" Luna insists. "Luna, out."
After a while of Hermione trying to push her out she finally budged and walked out herself after countless warnings about me. "What did I ever do?" I ask. Hermione turns around fast looking shocked. "What did you hear?" She asks and steps closer. "Enough." I answer, looking around me for a cloth. "Oh.. What happened to you?" She walks over and pushes me down on a chair to examine the wound. "It's deep.. I can fix it but it might hurt a lot." She says looking concerned. "Just do it." She nods and puts her arm around my head holding it still before holding her wand over my wound. "You ready?" "No, but just do it!" I say. She pushes her wand deep into my head and mumbles the spell, I couldn't hear it over my own screaming. She abruptly stops and bends over to pick up the cloth I had to wipe her wand off. "Already done?" I ask, still trying to ignore the pain that's left. "Yes." I looked down to notice I had dug my fingernails into the wooden armstands and scraped the stone floor. "I'm gonna take a shower." "Go ahead, and no, I won't tell anyone, especially Draco." She says giving me a little smile. "Thanks, 'Mione, I knew I could depend on you." I smile back then walk into the shower and turn it on cold. Every drop of water stings my body but I love the chilly feeling and the cold air blowing up in my face by the strong water hitting the stone tiles.
I sit down, looking at every inch of my body and all my scars, going from broom accidents to failed suicide. The light hairs on my arms stood up and held the water droplets secure with them.
So uh yeah I had 450 more words originally, but the draft save failed and I'm sad since yeah I don't have time to fix it this chapter but it's gonna 950 + 500 words next chapter cus' I'm nice, so uh yeah, thanks for liking the story this far as I've said many times before, I'm gonna try to update more but yeah here ya go.
- Marro

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